Integrity Around Finances by Abbey Rose

Having integrity around your finances goes both ways as a payer and receiver. Are you a business owner who has compassion and understanding when someone falls on hard times and can’t pay you right away, or does it trigger you into a harsh action like kicking them out of your program after the first missed payment?

Think about it, if you went to pay for something, and for whatever reason the payment didn’t go through, would you want to be banned from that business permanently, or would you want to be given a second chance to fix the issue? Integrity goes both ways.

The biggest problem I see with people trying to grow their finances is that they believe that they deserve financial integrity at every turn, but don’t return it. So, what is financial integrity and how will it help expand your energetic financial container in the long run?

Financial integrity is the ability to have compassion within your financial space without giving away your energy. Put simply, if an act of financial expression makes you feel empowered, then it is an act of integrity, but if a financial act makes you feel disempowered, it’s not.

For example: a payment was declined but you still received the services. Paying the person for those services is an empowering act of integrity that energetically aligns you with people who will treat you the same way, but if you walk away without paying and pretend you didn’t realise the discretion, that disempowered act opens you up for others to treat you the same way.

What you need to be aware of is the fine line between keeping a space of integrity and allowing yourself to be walked over. For example: if someone is six months late with a payment and is still expecting the same level of services from you, you then need to assert your boundaries and put a plan in place to make sure you are being financially integral to yourself and your own needs. This again comes down to what makes you feel empowered and disempowered.

Before making any decisions, take the time to cleanse your space and tap into the energy of how the outcome will make you feel. Doing this will completely shift how your life expands financially, and will put you in a more accepting space for financial flow.

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Stay up to date with Abbey’s latest creation, Priestess of Prosperity. An Oracle Deck to assist you in the transformational journey to abundance.

Abbey Rose

Abbey Rose is here to help you create, manage and protect your wealth. With over 15 years in the finance sector, Abbey brings cutting edge business and financial wisdom that mixes the worlds of strategy and intuition helping you create financial empowerment.

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