Now more than ever, getting a reading is far more complex than just getting told which spirits are around you. I have found over the last year, many are drawn to have a reading to get clear on what is coming up for them in the near future. It’s the inspiration and great insights offered in a reading, that really can give you clarity on things you may have not given much thought to.
Being a number five 2021=5 this year for me symbolically means changes are everywhere for many of us. We are shifting to step up into the unknown more and not worrying about the safety net being that strong. What I mean is, we are able to take a chance on the unknown as we are not feeding into the doubtful mind chatter in our head.
How long since you have taken a chance on something different?
A different path may be in your workplace or moving to a new environment! Scary hey? But you know what’s scarier, waking up and looking back on years of being somewhere that never really resonated. Or being stuck in a relationship that’s been unsatisfactory for as long as you can remember! And all for what? To stay safe! To not have to consider the alternative that maybe you may have felt would be worse.
For sure we are creatures of habit, and you will often hear me share the message that TRULY the other side of fear is where the GOLD is. If it doesn’t scare you is it worth doing? Sometimes maybe no way, but often hell yes! In life, we get chances opportunities, and even circumstances forced on us through no fault of our own. For the most part, the hindsight to these adventures is it was soooooo needed to get you to where you needed to be right now. Was it hard? No doubt! Was it worth it? Hell yeah!
So, I suppose my main message here is, if you feel the pull, make the change – you have nothing to lose except the opportunity for a great adventure. You can always go back to what you know if it doesn’t work. There’s no shame in that at all. But if you want a life on purpose, then looking at life and its endless opportunities as one big adventure, will bring you to look back one day and go wow, I embraced all of it ….
The ups, the downs, and everything in between – I adopted a great sense of adventure and purpose. I lived by the mantra: nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Most of all I lived a life on my terms not leaving a stone unturned, there’s no regrets only wonderful memories.
Now that’s a great way to live ♥️
If this has inspired you to gain insights from a reading, you can connect to Tonia here
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