Mid-Year Financial Check-up: Reviewing and realigning financial goals with personal and spiritual growth.
We’re approaching the middle of the year, so it is time for a Financial Check-Up!
Tell me, how much of this year have you spent aligning your wealth with your soul’s purpose?
How many investments did you make both on yourself and in your business that lit your soul on fire?
Truthfully, if the answer is none, this is GREAT NEWS!
Do you know why?
Because we still have six whole months left of 2024 to realign your financial goals with your personal and spiritual growth.
And this lights me up so much, that I cannot wait to sit down and work through this process with you.
Here are some questions for you to answer before we get started:
- How do you feel when you spend money on yourself? Happy, Relaxed, Guilty? If you are feeling low vibrational when you treat yourself, you may have some self-worth blocks that need to be addressed.
- What topic could you talk about for hours and hours without getting tired? This is something that lights up your soul and you should be turning this into your legacy! Getting paid for your passions is not a privilege, it’s a necessity.
- Imagine if you could financially contribute to your favourite charity in such a way that makes a significant difference. How would you feel? When people with good hearts make a lot of money, the world changes. If you are keeping yourself small because you subconsciously feel guilty for receiving more, imagine the amount of people you could help when you are earning the big bucks.
- What do you feel has kept you in this space for the first six months of 2024. If you are here reading this now, there is a chance that we have crossed paths before, which means that you are here with me again for a reason. When we figure out why you have stayed in the same place, we can then remove the block and move forwards!
This is such an exciting time for you, and truthfully, prosperity really is your birthright.
I am sure you have heard this before, but when people like you, truly good people, begin to earn money that can change the world, the world actually changes.
You are a part of this movement, and great things are happening.
So, for the last six months of 2024 we are no longer staying stagnant. We are reassessing our financial goals and becoming aligned with our soul’s purpose.
Let’s get started! www.abbeyrose.org
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