Be open to receiving in a multitude of different ways by Abbey Rose

Who has ever experienced a ‘setback’ occurring in their lives before suddenly receiving something even better?

The universe always has your best interests at heart, and everything happens for a reason.

This is especially true when it comes to abundance and receiving.

Money is only one form of abundance, yet people tend to get stuck on the physical number in their bank accounts instead of opening themselves up to receiving abundance in all forms.

You could receive a free meal, a gift from a friend, a new job, the opportunity to move countries and so much more!

While, yes, we live in a world where money is the primary source of currency, you need to be open to receiving in other forms as well.

Imagine you’re saving up for a house. You don’t physically need to pay for it if you’re gifted it or if you win it.

While the end result is the same, the way in which you received it is different.

When you stop focusing on receiving abundance in one form only, you open yourself up to receiving more, in many different forms.

Take the time to embrace receiving what you want in any way imaginable.

When you step into that space of happy, loving energy and release the constructions that society has placed on you, you realise that anything is possible.

Just because you haven’t received in a certain way before, doesn’t mean you never will.

The universe works in mysterious ways. Just think back to one of those ‘setbacks’ and what you received instead.

You are supported, so enjoy receiving in a multitude of ways!

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Abbey Rose

Abbey Rose is here to help you create, manage and protect your wealth. With over 15 years in the finance sector, Abbey brings cutting edge business and financial wisdom that mixes the worlds of strategy and intuition helping you create financial empowerment.

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