Creating a Crystal Grid by Courtney Stark

Crystal grids are a simple way to use crystals to build energy to manifest a specific intent.  The power of the grid comes from the crystal’s energies and how those energies interact within the shape of the grid.  They are easy to create and can be done wherever you wish.  You could grid on your body, under your bed, on land, on the floor or windowsill – the possibilities are endless!! 

Here’s a simple guide for creating your grid:

  1. Write down your intent or goal on a small piece of paper and be specific about what you want to achieve. 
  2. Select a focus crystal for your grid (usually an obelisk shaped generator) and place this at the centre of your grid putting your written intention underneath.  
  3. Use corresponding stones aligned with your intention to create your grid by forming a pattern around the central stone. 
  4. When you’ve finished placing your stones, take a few moments to be silent and at one with the grid, tracing over your design in the air above the crystals using a piece of quartz or your finger.   Visualize your goal manifesting and know that your request has been received by the universe.

Spend time with your grid while it is set up. Repeat the mantras in your mind that are in alignment with your desired outcome and trace back over the design you’ve created, continuing to feed your intent into it. 

Once you are finished with your grid, spend a few moments thanking the crystals you have used for their work.  You can then start to dismantle the grid, working in reverse order to how you laid it out.  Cleanse the stones and thank them again, letting them know their work is done before putting them away for the next time you need them. 

Try it for yourself and discover the beauty of crystal grids.

Crystal grid supplies are available at

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Written by Courtney Stark 2021

Courtney Stark

After 20 years as a solitary pagan, Courtney Stark shares her love of Earth based spirituality through her online store. Courtney has one of Australia’s largest ranges of spiritual and metaphysical goods and is passionate about helping others on their spiritual path.

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