Evolving into the Future by Delany Delaney

I’ve known Cory Michelle for over a decade now. Every conversation I have with this woman always creates something greater.

A new perspective, a new awareness, a new project and more inspiration. She is always actively evolving, targeting more and in her words is, “creating an empire where everyone gets to thrive and shine!”

Cory is an entrepreneur and global influencer living in luxurious surrounds with her partner Ben and much loved puppy Mojo at Lake Cooroibah on the Sunshine Coast. When you meet Cory Michelle you can’t help but notice her confidence and comfortability at being in her own skin as she radiates an energy of ‘anything is possible’ and laughs often.

As a conscious leadership coach, when her ‘Crazy Possible Experiment’ group on Facebook hit 11,000 people a few years ago, she knew she was onto something and it led her to develop the highly successful ‘Art of Living Crazy Possible’, the ‘Creation Academy’ and the ‘Unicorn CEO’ programs. And she hasn’t stopped there! Evolving is as innate as breathing!

Cory was raised in the USA in a family where there was never plenty but always enough. In her youth she was insecure, quiet, afraid of women (especially powerful women) and really didn’t know that she had value. Especially in her early 20s, “I felt like I was a wallflower, a mouse. Even though I wasn’t, it was how I felt and what I believed,” says Cory. She knew something had to change.

Coming out of her prison of shyness, self-doubt and lack of confidence and into the freedom of being able to express herself and acknowledge her abilities, totally changed her money situation allowing her to become the first successful entrepreneur in her family.

The catalysts for change were a mix of rock bottom moments and noticing other possibilities. “It would be, ‘I’m done with this money situation’ or ‘I’m done with relationships that don’t honour me’. I would see other people and say, ‘ooh that looks better over there – who do I need to be to have that’?”

Cory Michelle says, “I’ve had to evolve, do a big pivot, or be different so many times. I just knew there was more available, and there was no way I’d continue to live in my old limitations.”

She has had the narcissistic destructive boyfriends more than once! These days all that has changed. “I always knew a relationship that expands your joy was available and with so much gratitude I definitely have that now!” says Cory.

At one stage her debt was over $US150,000. No longer in debt or limited in her choices about ‘how much it costs’, Cory says, “The consciousness of creating debt and the consciousness of creating money and wealth is very different. It’s resulted in a quantum leap in my world. I am a very different person.”

Along with personal growth and business acumen, her constant questions led to a connection and exploration of consciousness and the deeper questions of “who am I?” and “what am I doing here?”, and “what am I here to contribute?”. Another pivotal moment was realising her power in creating her own reality. “Knowing that I’m the mistress of my reality, whatever is showing up. And that’s how I choose to respond in every situation, in every moment, that’s what crafts my future. Now that’s gold!”says Cory.

Cory Michelle was different, and learned differently too. “I am dyslexic, on the autistic spectrum, uber intuitive and have ADD,” she says. She didn’t know this for a long time and like many of us, was put into the box of normalcy. She refused to let this stop her and began looking at how every experience or situation could add more to her life. “There was nobody fanning my difference at all and now I’m doing what I love and thriving in the difference.”

Those earlier experiences gave her the ability to appreciate the gift in people’s uniqueness which has become part of her life’s work. “I can spot people’s differences and the gift in them. My response of ‘oh wow that’s cool, do more of that!’ can really assist people!”

Cory has a target to live in a world where difference is allowed, valued and celebrated. She believes that the keys are in our own personal commitment to continue evolving into the greatest versions of ourselves possible.

Evolving is not always comfortable. Sometimes it feels raw to expand your awareness and acknowledge where you are operating from. Sometimes it can feel like you’re being attacked, or that you’re totally overwhelmed, that it’s all too much, that everything is just so intense! Cory shares the art is in, “allowing it to be and not making it so significant.”

So how does one do that?!

“Energetic Mastery!”, Cory calls out with a laugh. It continues to create some of the most profound and expansive changes in her life! In fact, it’s her new signature program, ‘UnicornCEO: Energetic Mastery’.

What it is, is the ability to be presented with any situation or issue and have a moment with the emotions/reaction/response that comes up and quickly return to the calm centre within to make your next choice! Many people have trouble letting go of emotions and then moving on to the next piece with happiness and excitement.

Not having energetic mastery results in what Dr Joe Dizpenza refers to as, ‘energetic addictions’. These are often not so generative and more often linked to deep subconscious beliefs from the past. When we are stuck in these holding patterns, this radiates into the world and so what we create as our lives rarely looks like what we say we would like it to be. Cory says, “When you come out of those energetic addictions, when you become the master or mistress of your energies, your world shows up differently!”

There needs to be allowance for emotions and at the same time, not be attached to them by believing they are so real. Even if it feels like that. We all operate differently. Some people run more on emotions and are more sensitive to this. It will take practice!

How you respond to a high/low really will dictate what shows up next. Cory Michelle says, “I think that’s really important for people to know.”

Cory shares, “In the past I held onto anger with my Mum and it was a total energetic addiction based on the past. Now I can be with my Mum in the present. So much easier and enjoyable, I really appreciate her in a new way. When you are in the present, everything really is much easier.

“You can’t control reality. You can choose how you respond. Your response is creating your field and that is creating your future right now.”

What if evolving into the greatest version of ourselves allows us to co-create a world where everyone can thrive, where everyone has access to their own superpowers, their genius and where all are included. Where business is done in a way that is honouring and nurturing to all, including the planet.

“Recently, as a company, we ran a program by donation and all proceeds went to the Koala Foundation right here on the Sunshine Coast. I can’t fully express the joy I received from this philanthropic gesture where we donated $10,441, delivered a program that made people’s lives greater and contributed to our beautiful native koalas. And our company was able to adopt a local koala named Ivy. I can’t wait to see what the next phase of evolving delivers!” says Cory Michelle.



Vanessa Finnigan is the founder, editor and publisher of Holistic Bliss.
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