Feeling Empowered In Your Decisions by Abbey Rose

How do you know when you have made the right decision?

As a rule, anything that lights you up, gives you goosebumps or generally makes you smile can be classed as an ‘aligned decision’. This is because those reactions correlate with feeling empowered.

On the other scale, anything that makes you queasy, uneasy or unpleasant can be classed as an ‘unaligned decision’ as those reactions correlate with feeling disempowered. Your body will always tell you if you’re on the right path or not; it’s only when you begin to ignore it that those feelings of disempowerment creep in.

So, the question is, how do you ensure that you go about feeling empowered in your decisions? The answer, thankfully, is a simple one. Take your time. In this fast-paced world where we are constantly being bombarded with decisions that we’re told need to be made immediately, this can take some adjusting to, but once you understand the physical reactions of your body as you step into your empowered self, it will soon become second nature.

But let’s first talk about the 3 things you should do to train your body into telling you when you are making an empowered decision:

1. Ask your body to give you a physical sign. If you’re not used to listening to your body’s nudges, ask it to give you goosebumps. This is one of the most common physical signs that you will instantly recognise, and soon this sign will become second nature as you subconsciously tap into this empowerment.

2. Notice when the reaction your body is giving you is unpleasant and pay attention to why. When making decisions we sometimes need further clarification, which is fine! But when those feelings of disempowerment overcome you, take notice of it. Sex is a good example.

3. Accept the answer your body gives you. Just because you want something to feel right and empowered, doesn’t mean it will. Your body knows what’s best for you and isn’t going to lead you astray, so if you are making a decision and feel disempowered when you want to feel empowered, make sure you listen the first time.

Once you implement these strategies and begin to understand more about your body and your own unique decisions, the more empowered you will begin to feel and will be able to implement more of these empowering decisions in your life.

Stay up to date with Abbey’s latest creation, Priestess of Prosperity. An Oracle Deck to assist you in the transformational journey to abundance.

Abbey Rose

Abbey Rose is here to help you create, manage and protect your wealth. With over 15 years in the finance sector, Abbey brings cutting edge business and financial wisdom that mixes the worlds of strategy and intuition helping you create financial empowerment.

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