How are your emotions and money linked? By Abbey Rose

Your emotions are linked to everything!

Especially your finances. 

Think about how you feel whenever you are put in a situation where your finances are involved.

Are you afraid? Is there a fear that you are not able to provide for yourself or your family?

Is there resentment? Another bill you need to pay?

Do you want to control your finances? Want to know exactly what needs to be paid, when it needs to be paid and how much is coming into your account at all times so you can be prepared?

These are all emotions that scare money away.

Imagine if you were in a romantic relationship with someone who made you feel afraid, resentful and controlled. Would you stick around?

Money is exactly the same!

Now, shifting from these emotions into a more loving, fun, relaxed state is no easy feat, and it will not happen overnight.

But there are some small shifts you can do everyday, to begin creating a healthy relationship between you and your money, and help bring more in while you are at it!

  1. Release control. The more you try to control and hold onto your money, the more you restrict the flow of it into your life. There are always going to be ebbs and flows in your finances as money has no set structure. It flows where it feels good. Once you understand this and realise that you are always supported, you are able to create a safe, relaxed environment for your money to land in.

  2. Pay your bills as soon as you are able to. When you receive a bill, slip into a moment of gratitude for what service the bill is providing for you, and pay it as soon as you can. Do not wait until the last minute. When you actively show gratitude for what your bills provide for you, and physically act on that gratitude through paying it, you release any negative feelings of stress or fear and open a channel for more money to flow.

  3. Have fun! Money is fun! Money loves to feel like it is bringing happiness and joy into your life, so the more fun you have spending your money, the more it will present itself to you. There is always a reason to treat yourself, even if it is something small. So make sure you enjoy the money you have!

These are all strategies you can begin to implement today, and they will truly shift your perspective and underlying emotions surrounding money quicker than you could ever imagine.

Money loves you, it is time for you to show it that you love it too. 

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Abbey Rose

Abbey Rose is here to help you create, manage and protect your wealth. With over 15 years in the finance sector, Abbey brings cutting edge business and financial wisdom that mixes the worlds of strategy and intuition helping you create financial empowerment.

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