I often hear this very question and I thought what a great topic for an article! So, you have decided it’s feeling like the time you would like to have a professional reading. You may have already had a few already throughout life, or maybe you never have and are curious, or maybe the loss of a loved one has you wanting to connect to them in spirit. Sounds simple enough. But hang on, you start researching and bang there’s soooooo many options. In an ideal world a recommendation is great, but what if that hasn’t been an option. Or workmate Mary tells you about this great reader she went to, who had a great purple velvet witches’ hat and a wand that goes with it, and she is really cheap. In fact, she can’t even remember if she paid her money for the reading mmmmmm!! So, you start scrolling, researching and checking out bios, photos, reviews etc. 

Back when I was working at markets, it always fascinated me how many would wander around and spend a fair bit of time checking out the psychics available for a reading. In the early days I was a bit scared to ask why they chose me, but as I became more experienced, I started to, and was always interested in their feedback. Now and then the response was, I liked your hair or your hat, boots etc., but the most common response became, I just liked your energy. Can I bottle and sell that? Ha ha not quite but the point I’m trying to make here is … drum roll please …. Your gut feeling, inner guidance is THE MOST important thing to follow when you want to find someone who IS going to connect to your energy, even if it’s an email reading, you are still allowing someone you don’t know to connect in with you. It must feel right. If it doesn’t RUN.

A great example is a girl I used to work with (who I hadn’t seen for a while) shared her last reading experience with me, when I bumped into her not that long ago. The reader she chose had a massive following and charged $600 so had to be good! Supposedly. This girl was telling me she couldn’t find a park for her car as it was in the city, and then the floor she needed to get in the building where the reader was, was closed! She felt anxious with all of this and really wanted to cancel. Her gut feeling wasn’t great. She ended up getting her reading and let me tell you some of this information she was given about her children and husband was horrifying! I’m not repeating it, it was that bad. After the reading she was so rattled it took her an hour to find her car. Did it fill her with doubt and worry, sure, did it make her question her ability as a mother and wife, yup sure did. That IS NOT how a professional reader works. Unfortunately, this could have been avoided. We all need to trust our gut feeling, if it doesn’t feel right just don’t do it.

Let me assure you, this is not how most readers work. I have many talented friends in this field that would never send someone away from a reading feeling like she did. I needed to share this and be the reminder to you to follow what you feel, as your feelings are there for a reason. This doesn’t just apply to readings. You could be having a healing, counseling or any service with a professional person. Take 10 minutes to tune in before you commit to someone new, more so when you haven’t got to meet them in person before. You will thank me later.

Tonia Reeves 

Australia’s Cowgirl Medium available for readings

Tonia Reeves

Tonia Reeves is Australia’s Psychic Medium Cowgirl, based in Victoria and reaching people overseas through her consults and her segments on a number of radio shows in Australia and overseas.

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