It’s a funny question, but one you often see get thrown around loosely. What does being spiritual mean to you? I know what it means to me and hence this article is about sharing my beliefs around this question.
To me, being spiritual is to connect with the energy of unconditional love and do your best to embrace it. We are all human and it’s unrealistic to believe we can all be Mother Theresa! But we can do our best to be the best version we can. Keeping in mind the great saying, “do unto others as you would have them do unto you“.
To help with this, I’m a definite advocate for committing to regular meditation and it doesn’t have to be long but just make it regular. To connect to our spiritual side, we do need to be able to quieten our mind. If you struggle with this, find a guided meditation where you listen to a relaxing guided mediation ( listening to a soothing voice ) to help stop your mind taking you back to thinking about what you need to be doing. I have a few I’ve recorded and can email these out if you are stuck finding one, just shoot me an email.
Another great way to connect to your spiritual side, is set up an alter this can be done on a table, sideboard or shelf somewhere that you can sit in front of and do your meditation. In this place, put your favourite crystals, oracle cards, photos of loved ones both here and in spirit, a plant if you like and just anything that you feel drawn to add. This is a way of setting the intention to connect to spirit and also your inner guidance. Intention is the most powerful way to manifest what it is we want in our lives.
Also find a meditation to call in your spirit guide (we all have at least one) become familiar with your guide and by strengthening your connection, you will also connect with the inner peace we as humans crave. Getting out into nature is another wonderful way to connect to spirit. Go for a walk, disconnect from your phone and just notice everything around you. Notice the trees, the terrain, the clouds, the wildlife and also your breath. You will feel alive and energised. This is a great way to invite some more spirit into your life!
So I’m hoping these ideas help you to connect to your spiritual side on a deeper level and also enjoy the sense of peace and harmony that it brings. These are great steps towards feeling freedom, especially during the current times.
Tonia Reeves
Australia’s Cowgirl Medium
Phone: 0419131714
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