HB: How would you describe the work you do?
Tony: I endeavour to communicate with the spirit world to bring through evidence of survival after physical death. Evidence can consist of specific pieces of information which hopefully prove the message is from a certain person and also memories of shared experiences. The very interesting part for me goes beyond this when the spirit communicator prove their continued existence by conveying what they are doing now in spirit (which often correlates to an interest in life) and also what they are aware of relating to their living family since passing. It can all be very healing for the recipient of any message.
HB: How does contact with the spirit world assist us to heal?
Tony: So often things go unsaid in life, not only the dramatic stuff of revelations but sometimes just the simple things like ‘I love you’ or ‘I’m sorry’. Mediumship can rectify this, and help people move on from only remembering the negative and things unsaid or undone, to cherishing the happy memories and the positives. Also, just the simple switch to believing you will one day be reunited with those you loved and still love can be a revelation in not only how you handle your grief but how you view and live your own life. Accepting we are eternal is a life changing event. Mediumship and a good evidential message will not take away your grief but it can soften the edges and change your outlook.
HB: What changes do you see in people’s lives?
Tony: For many it’s like the light has come back into life. We all have or will at some time be affected by losing someone we love and adore and at the time it seems our own life has come to an end and we cannot contemplate going forward. I’ve seen people go from this to getting their lives back on track, and for some it can inspire them to experience new things. I know of many whom have gone on to raise monies for charities or campaigned for things they hold dear. The most common though is how people change their outlook to life and living, taking responsibility for their words, actions and even thoughts, knowing there is more to us than just this physical existence.
HB: What message do you have for our readers for 2015?
Tony: It’s now more important than ever that people put their spirituality into action. Treat others as you wish to be treated, realise that words and actions have consequences and truly understand that everyone has unlimited potential to love and do amazing things. Tolerance is needed now more than ever before, between countries, between religions, between every single person that crosses our path. Surely now is the time to celebrate and accept our differences and uniqueness, but also realise we are all the same, an eternal spirit experiencing a short physical existence before we journey on.
Tony Stockwell and Deb B Mewes will be hosting a mediumship show on the 30th March.
To book phone: 0421 351 406
and visit: www.universalgoddess.com.au
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