Free Happy Woman

Living A Life That Is TRUE To YOU by Trish Rock

The author of the popular book  “The 5 regrets of the dying”, Bronnie Ware, discovered this in her extensive interviews with people passing over.

The number 1 regret given by hundreds of the interviewees was this:

I wish I had lived a life true to myself and not the life others had expected of me

Powerful right?

How many of us while we are living, feel we have all the time in the world to pursue what is important and true to us, AFTER we fulfil the expectations of others?

And how many of us live in fear that we will be criticised by others, or judged, if we DO decide to go against the norm and live our truth?

Its a sad truth that we, me, you, often feel we cannot live as the 1 in 7 billion miracle and unique expression of life that we are!

But here is another truth for you- it can begin right now!

In the current climate of the world where a virus has basically shut everyone in their homes, we have come face to face with ourselves. This is not comfortable with the mass population and hence they direct their inner fears of seeing their truth, into the external.

This is not you though is it?

If you are reading this then there is something within you calling, beckoning, urging you to truly take a breath here, and use this opportunity to tune in to what it is that really fulfils you in this life!

Are you currently living to the expectations of someone else’s plan or have you begun to live life on your terms, from your heart, your souls calling, your inner purpose?

What is the greatest fear that is stopping you from living a life true to yourself? And is it even yours or have it been passed on to you?

Take a breath at this juncture and use the time to see yourself. Really see yourself. The magic and beauty of you. The unique magnificence of you. The worthiness and courage of you.

Its all there, I promise you.

Use this precious time to begin living your life on purpose. Begin believing in yourself again.

Here are 3 things you can ask yourself and write down:

  1. What brings me joy?
  2. What have I loved most in my life?
  3. What have been my greatest challenges?

The answers to these 3 simple (yet deep) questions will bring you clarity in purpose.

Those things in life that you love doing and that bring you joy, do more of those!

Those things that have challenged you in this life, have brought courage, wisdom and have strengthened the opposite of that challenge in you. Recognise that about yourself.

For so many years I denied my true calling but Spirit, and this truth in me, did not stop speaking. The biggest reason I was not living a life true to me was the fear, rejection, letting people down and the worry of not being good enough.

I have discovered that none of those things were true and in fact, living a life true to me actually inspired so many people that I suddenly found myself right in the middle of living my purpose and passion- helping people believe in themselves again!

So, I ask you now, in this moment, will you have regrets at the end of your life? Or will you consciously choose now to change the direction of your life with the current opportunities to do so?

It’s your time and you are ready.

I would love to help you with clarity around this and am offering you a powerful gift that could change the course of your life – a 20 minute transformational call.

You have the power within to live the life that brings freedom , joy and abundance. Choose YOU.

Book your call here: https://TrishRock/Transformational-Call

Trish Rock

M: 0403 489 013



Trish Rock

Trish Rock is a Peace Coach, Best Selling Author, Holistic Counsellor and Psychic who helps people to improve their lives through breaking down the barriers to true freedom and holistic wellness. Her clients call her the Queen of Calm because of the peace and clarity she brings into their life.

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