There is no such thing as being ‘broke’. Only a lack mentality that blocks you from receiving the money you desire.
Everything in this world is energy, and money loves the people that love it.
It loves those who allow it to ebb and flow without trying to hold it down.
Who trusts that it will always be there for them when they’re in need.
And those who know they’re supported by it.
The calmer your energy is when it comes to money, the more you’ll receive.
Here are 4 ways to calm your energy with regards to money and open yourself up to receiving more:
- Be grateful for the bills you receive. Expected or unexpected. Without those bills you wouldn’t be able to enjoy food, electricity, clean water or transport, so embrace gratitude to be able to enjoy even more.
- Open up bank accounts for all your needs. Have a business account, a savings account, a personal account and a loan account. This way you will be able to guide your money where it is needed, giving you the space to receive more as there’s no clutter.
- Give when you can. Give your employees a bonus when they’ve done great work, donate to a charity, pay forward the cup of coffee for the person behind you, buy local. Money embraces the loving energy behind giving, and will often come back to you in ways you don’t expect.
- Trust that you’re going to receive what you pay for. Money needs to be trusted. The frequency that money and trust vibrate at are the same, so the more you trust your money, the more money you’ll receive. The easiest way to start doing this is to trust that you’re getting what you paid for. Paid for groceries, you then get to eat them. Paid for fuel, your car can now drive. Paid for a haircut, your hair is now fresh. Start trusting your money to bring more in.
Energy affects everything, and money is no different.
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