My Journey in CryptoLand by Linda Simpson

I believe that digital currency is a really great place to land if you’re a sensitive being who can’t necessarily hang out in an office. With some learning and a small investment, you can begin a journey that can grow to support you financially.

The areas which assisted me, and the things that made digital currency a good fit for me are:

  • The learning, which took my brain power up to a new level
  • The flexibility, meaning that my everyday life continues alongside the learning and the trading with cryptocurrency.
  • The associations, the people I’ve ‘met’ in this digital land have been eclectic, uplifting and amazing.
  • The Sharing, teaching and sharing what I’ve learnt has boosted my heart and my income

People often ask me about my trading with this weird thing called Bitcoin, not knowing that there are thousands of cryptocurrencies in the marketplace now.

‘And what do these coins DO?’ is a major query. Well, one of the most recent ones I’ve taken the time to investigate, and will most likely trade, is one which deals in rendering. Rendering art, media, collectibles, NFT’s and gaming.

With the enormous (and growing) megabyte size of digital works, rendering has a huge place in our daily lives without us even possibly recognizing that we’re using it.

This simple example gives you one small idea of where cryptocurrencies, the companies associated, and their uses apply to what we might call ‘the real world’.

The information I share the most with friends and clients is . . .

Don’t listen to others – unless they are successful in Crypto AND you have a paid account; or they have proven their skills. People who are loud on YouTube or other form of social media are often making more money from their monetizing efforts.

I spent quality time investigating services and then paid for my learning as I went along. As long as I really listened and acted, I was profitable from this.

Learn Learn Learn

When you learn, you’ll see and be more powerful in your actions. One style of learning which has served me well is to watch a teaching video, pause, act on that section, then continue. It seems to really bed in the information as a lot of the subject matter in trading is foreign to our brains.

Stick with the plan

So many people talk about the money they could have made when they sold their coin ‘too soon’ and then it pumped. I always (well, mostly always) invest with a plan and I set any stop loss or sell targets inside the exchange the moment the purchase has gone through. Any energy spent on more possible profit is a waste of space.

You don’t have to borrow to begin this journey

I began with $500.00 and I know of others who started with less. Once I saw that I really could enjoy this game then I put more money in. Now I plan to make money from the profits I have inside the CryptoLand system.

Collaborate with Digital Currency friends

Being able to chat with friends is a huge plus with this. I recently had a long breakfast with my beautiful yoga ladies, and we talked about their fears based around this kind of trading.

I do hope this information has been helpful and reiterate that I’m here to assist a beginner into the marketplace, so message me if you wish to find out more.

Sending you Love Bubbles and Hugs over the airways. Linda.

Linda Simpson – Heartisan & Consciousness Connector.

Your expert on how to live a life with Love and Joy as Abundant Ingredients.

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Linda Simpson

Linda Simpson – Heartisan & Consciousness Connector helping tired Spiritual Workers, Coaches and Healers to Realign.

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