We are travelling in the sacred highways and byways of heaven close to Mary’s Magical Mountain when we see the Red Rose Doorway for the first time.  It is set into the side of the mountain.  The sparkling red roses draw us in and embed joy in our vibration.  

Jaffa, Israel

We find a river flowing through the mountain gleaming with specks of gold.  Golden roses float in the water.  The water is calling us home.

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A gondola covered in more gold roses waits at the pier. We board.  The Ferryman at the helm is tall and mysterious.  He is Merlin the Magician.  

You settle yourself for the journey and make sure that you are wearing your Rose Cloak.  Merlin does not acknowledge you and the first part of the journey is undertaken in silence.

Wizards - Magicians - Sorcerers - Alchemists — meanwhilebackinthedungeon:   mago infernalistæ

You call to Mother Mary. She is the instigator of this sacred journey as this is her mountain.

‘Mother Mary be closer to me now more than ever.  Please make your divine presence felt.  I am yours Mother Mary. Show me something today that I have never seen before.’

Lightning strikes the water in front of the gondola.  You have the urge to trail your hands in the water as you know that following the lightning strike the water has increased its sacredness.  You are on the River of Life – the most sacred river in the world – a river of pure light. What you are seeing externally is reflected internally within yourself.

As your hands touch the water, sparks of stars fly into the air.  As the boat pulls into a wharf you sense change in your hands, your fingers and your wrists.  This is a whole body experience.

Your personal power is no longer limited by the inability of your hands to grasp life. Your hands have realigned to the heart vibration of the Universal Mother.  This is a frequency of love, protection and divine intent.  It travels to the depths of your soul as you link in with this journey of light. 

As our rose gondola gathers speed we come to a choice point in the river – it is here before us – to the right the new – or to the left the old. We choose the new which takes us up further into a place of awareness. In this sacred space we increase our quotient of light, renew and strengthen our DNA and make choices for a new and beautiful life. 

Our handsome bodies are now transparent as part of our new hologram which has been created, birthed and bathed in the divine love of the River of Life.

Dr. Cris Henderson

Rose Alchemist

To obtain this journey as an initiation please contact Cris for further information e-mail

Dr Cris Hendo

Dr. Cris Henderson is a Rose Alchemist and International Rose Energy Consultant.

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