I have drawn 3 cards from the I am a Manifestor Magical Oracle Cards for a Collective reading to help us navigate and manifest in November.
I look at it like a story unfolding.
1st card SELF LOVE
How does this help you manifest?
Self-love is a lot more than just caring for yourself. It is about balancing the giving and receiving, it’s about asking yourself at any given time in any situation, “how does this make me feel?”. You’re not grounding and protecting yourself enough. Do you bring your energy back to you? Can you still your mind? Remember where attention goes energy flows!
2nd card FENG SHUI
Stepping into the flow, decluttering holistically. Clearing out the old to be ready for the new. I have just cleared out my winter clothes and replaced them with my spring and summer clothes, there were lots of bags that went to Vinnies! To change your vibrational frequency, you must do something different. ?Tweaking your personality needs to be a regular thing as it’s the only way to create momentum in your life.
The above two cards are imperative steps in building a solid foundation. You are starting anew so think on your intentions, on how you are going to continue giving to yourself, and continue without cluttering your life. Foundation is the holistic infrastructure. So, mind, keep your thoughts positive, body, ensure you are looking after yourself, and soul, are you doing what your soul needs?
Together these cards are clues of what will help you on your manifesting journey, little reminders if you like of how to navigate through November and get the most out of the current energies.
Personally, I feel November is a very grounded month. It is the time to sort things out and be diligent where necessary. Time felt like it sped up a bit, so I grounded myself and affirmed there was enough space for me to do everything I needed to get done. Concentrating is easier, less distractions so being focused is effortless.
In this time, world wise, we need to use discernment and not get pulled into the Media frenzy. Yes be aware of world events, but bring your thoughts back to you at home, and how you feel. Always at some point throughout your day send love and light out in your area please.
Linda Willow Roberts
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Email. willowswayoflife@live.com.au
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