One Consciousness Words by Troy Haines

In being invited to write an article for Holistic Bliss around money and finances, I can’t help but feel that just getting some thoughts down on paper has the potential to be healing for me. I don’t profess to be an expert on money and finances and in fact, it’s something that has always caused an inner conflict as disparate parts of me are pulled in different directions:

  • The Entrepreneur – wanting to use the existing system to build great companies to serve humanity and help us to evolve
  • The Environmentalist – looking at the devastating impact on the planet’s resources as we compete in a capitalist system 
  • The Humanitarian – despondent at the incredible inequality in the distribution of wealth across the planet 
  • The Technologist – excited by the technology that is emerging that can support humanity to evolve
  • The Realist – sitting in the knowing of how broken our system is and how unequipped I am as a regular person to change it
  • The One – that part of me knows that all of me, is all of you and we are part of the one power, one intelligence and one consciousness and I, like you am all powerful 

I recently heard the term “wicked problem” and I wonder if that applies here to money and finances… “In planning and policy, a wicked problem is a problem that is difficult or impossible to solve because of incomplete, contradictory, and changing requirements that are often difficult to recognise. 

I, like you, have often heard that money is just energy, used as a means of exchange and how we apply our intentions to money makes the difference. But in a system that fosters competition and ownership… in a world where resources are required for effective change… at a time in humanity when many are in crisis, I wonder how much I truly embrace “money is just energy”, as disparate parts of me go to war inside struggling within a broken system. 

Is it just me, or does anyone else out there feel at odds with money and finance and is hungry for a revolution that allows us to realise our ultimate potential as one race, one humanity, one consciousness and is looking for the solution to help us realise that? 

For me, until I have a greater understanding on what and how to move forward, I do what I can to have the greatest impact; focusing the disparate parts of myself on a goal where I feel the most integrated; using entrepreneurship and technology to elevate the consciousness of humanity. 

What I know is that the solution is one that we need to collectively realise and it’s only in having discussions and asking questions that we can hope to bring the right people together to find that solution. 

In writing this did I get any sense of healing? Potentially. My hope is that in sharing my thoughts here, that you may have some answers for me that I could use for integration, or a piece of the broader puzzle, a discussion, something that we might use to collectively find a way forward that supports all of humanity to realise our individual and collective potential. 

One Consciousness! 

Contact Troy at: 


Vanessa Finnigan is the founder, editor and publisher of Holistic Bliss.
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