Part 2/12 – The Body Talk Series-The Feet by Cherie Ashana

Two of my favourite things to do for adding a skip to your step

We opened the Body Talk series last month with simple practices to cultivate awareness around your emotional state.

I’ve intentionally made this an interactive experience, each month building on the next. Expanding your awareness and most of all understanding the body’s language and all the ways it communicates with us.

One of the practices I mentioned last month was the body scan. It is a wonderfully simple way for coming into the present moment, slowing down the mind but most of all, listening to the body.

Body scans generally start at the feet and that is where our journey begins today. This is not about reflexology, but rather the feelings and emotions represented in this part of the body.

Before I share 2 of my favourite go to’s with you, let’s have a look at what our feet represent when it comes to our emotions and our bodies’ intelligence.

These wonderful parts of ourselves that support the entire body are often overlooked and do not always get the attention they deserve.

Without these precious parts there would be no moving forward in life. But rather staying static.

Already we’re starting to receive clues into what the feet and toes represent.

In Short,  issues with the feet and toes may be a manifestation of fear about moving forward in life or about the future. There could be concerns around the little details in life which prevents stepping into a bigger picture vision.

Slowly over time there can be a loss of momentum and flow.

Are you lacking flow and movement in your life?

When was the last time you considered your feet and the way they feel and look?

Each toe represents a different part of the whole, but it is usually the big toe that is mostly affected.

Issues in this area can be connected with guilt and regret around a particular direction taken or not taken.

We have much to learn from the feet.

So what are my favourite techniques to get a skip back in your step?

2 simple and fabulously powerful processes-

  1. Take 5-10 minutes with a cuppa and walk barefoot on the grass. When done daily, it lowers blood pressure, stress, anxiety, sleep patterns & most of all connects you with Mama Earth.

Results over time-feeling more relaxed & in the present moment.

  1. Laying down, place a cushion in your lower back, raising the hips up slightly.

Raise your legs up in the air gently (a simple supported shoulder stand) and look at your feet. I especially love this one because it releases pressure around the legs and ankles. It’s also fabulous for Circulation & shifting stagnated energy in the body.

Results over time- increased energy, balance & harmony.

Thank you for joining me again

Cherie-Ashana x

Your Cosmic Holistic Herbalist

You’ll find the extended version on my website with further information and techniques available.

Book a complimentary 20 minute phone consultation via the following link-

Cherie Ashana

Cherie Ashana is a qualified, integrated Iridologist, herbalist & much more..

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