Part 3/12 – The Body Talk Series-Hips & Knees by Cherie Ashana

Moving forward through Resistance

Energy can become stagnant and stored in the hips, knees and legs, leaving us feeling limited in movement and range, even when performing the most basic of tasks.

When areas like the knees and the hip joints start to experience this type of resistance, it can be a sign that we are holding onto situations and/or circumstances that are no longer serving us in the ways they once were.

Ignoring these initial signs can eventually be detrimental to our health and wellbeing and our healing journey.

Fusion in these areas of the body can relate to a limited belief that you don’t have what it takes to move forward. When it comes to the knees, it can represent inflexibility in life with people, places and things.

Possible grief around losing a loved one can be held in the knee joints and, over time, if not dealt with, it can lead to extreme conditions like severe arthritis and pain, or in the worst cases, surgery.

When it comes to the hips, there may be an unconscious feeling around not wanting to lose control, there may be difficulties  with understanding and knowing how to release and/or surrender. Resulting in tightness in the lower back, pelvis and buttocks area.

There may be limiting beliefs around not being able to fully express oneself, along with fears around being in a relationship/s.

Deep trauma in this area can signal to the body that it is in fact not safe to let go. At an unconscious level, we grip on and it becomes a new normal.

Most of which may have built up over years.

Overall, when it comes to the hips and knees, there is this sense of not being in flow with life.

When dealing with the front of the body it relates to the future and the back of the body the past.

When we connect in and start to create an awareness around these signs and signals, we can start to reveal the stories that we have been telling ourselves and shine a light to heal at the deepest level.

Today I invite you to loosen the knees and hips, observe the tightness and lean into the questions for today, whilst breathing into the related body parts.

Where am I limiting myself in my life right now?

Where am I not in flow in my life right now?

Here is an exercise to try whilst asking these questions.

Lying on your back with your head supported, bring your knees together with your feet flat on the floor, slowly and without overstretching, bringing your feet together and legs in a diamond shape, breathing into the stretch and releasing any tightness in the inner hip area. Release and repeat 3 times.

Take a moment each time to feel into this area and ask the question provided.

Thank you for joining me,

I’m looking forward to guiding you to greater health, healing, and happiness with heart

Much love x

Cherie Ashana

I invite you to book a 20 minute complimentary call with me today to find out how we can work together.

Cherie Ashana

Cherie Ashana is a qualified, integrated Iridologist, herbalist & much more..

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