Whether we like it or not social media is a huge part of our life these days. It may be for your business, for work or just for a platform that keeps up the connection to friends and family. Like it or not it has become a necessity.
So why am I writing about this? I am because I’ve noticed that many like myself, especially after finding more time available, are making the choice to disconnect.
Why? Because we have noticed it makes us feel better. If you think you don’t spend much time on social media or the like, check out your screen time average. All phones have this information. I guarantee you will be shocked! I know I was! Four hours average a day – whhhhattttt ! That’s half of an average 8 hour work day spent on (with no payment remember) being absent from life. Its crazy to think but so true.
For me 2020 has been about reassessing what I spend time and commitment on. Time is something we cannot get back. Being present is a challenge even without the big companies knowing how to manipulate us; just notice how once you google to research a purchase an ad on social media will pop up for that particular product right in front of your eyes. The Social Dilemma on Netflix has had many of us really thinking about how easily we are influenced and to advantage that holds for us.
It was after sunset and with the twinkling through the gloaming that I was inspired to write this piece as much for myself as others. I love a great sunset, nothing like it to inspire my writing.
I’m also questioning whether many of us feel this way or if it is just addictive personalities like myself? I get obsessed, I know I do! Hands up twice.
So how many of you are relating? I would love to hear from you. We are all in this together and sharing each other’s perceptions is vitally important, because surely I’m not the only obsessive one!! Please show me I am not lol.
Within this intricate web of life, we weave, I believe we need to constantly reassess where our energy is used to benefit us and where it is not.
This is what I feel the meaning of life is all about. We can only grow and learn if we are open to the concept and bring that on, that is my life mantra. Yep, some great stuff right there!
Tonia Reeves
Australia’s Cowgirl Medium
Phone: 0419131714
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