A message I received from my team in Spirit a little while ago is one that really stood out as a game changer. I was reminded that we come into this life as a soul to take in experiences, and when it’s our time to return home (to the spirit world) that’s all we take with us.

Yep, seems like an obvious one, but is it? I know throughout my life the mantra has always been to work hard, save, get yourself financially secure at whatever cost. Looking back, it cost me my first marriage. All work and no play took its toll. I’m not saying that we don’t create something to work towards, but when you hear the message I did, it put it into perspective. If all we take with us when we leave this world is memories and experiences, then it makes sense to focus on what we do with our life not for our life!

Are you following your heart in this lifetime? Are you making time for the meaningful stuff or are you just going through the motions?

One of the main messages to come from the past two years is not to wait to follow what lights you up. I’m often on repeat with this message of late in readings, as it’s an important one.

So the question I think we need to ask is, if you knew you only had a short amount of time left to experience this lifetime, would you be doing exactly what you are now? What would be important to you? Do you feel you would be satisfied with the life you have experienced so far? For all of us, the answers will be different, and we are certainly not all here for the same purpose, but feeling a sense of satisfaction when you ask yourself this question is enough.

And by enough, I mean that feeling of peace, the feeling of love, that connects you to yourself and others. The contemplation of this exact question has had a big impact on me this year. I’m now driven to what feels like fun in both work and play. If opportunities come up that excite me, I’m in. I don’t have expectations or big goals I need to conquer, I have fun experiences to enjoy, and to do that helping others and making a difference along the way.

For me, being of service to others is my passion- I love it! That’s my soul path and how it unfolds is not for me to decide. I know I’m looked after by my spiritual team and as long as I’m having fun, so are they!

So take a moment today to connect to your joy, your fun. In a world where we often are made to feel we aren’t enough, start changing that narrative. You are enough right now.
And so it is.

Love and Blessings!

To connect to Tonia here are the links:




Tonia Reeves

Tonia Reeves is Australia’s Psychic Medium Cowgirl, based in Victoria and reaching people overseas through her consults and her segments on a number of radio shows in Australia and overseas.

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