HI, I’m feeling very passionate about this right now. There is a fine line between having spiritual boundaries and being judgmental. Let’s look at spiritual boundaries – the first part to spiritual development and manifesting is self-love, balancing the giving and the receiving, being able to say no, asking yourself at any given time how does this situation make me feel. But there are certain aspects of boundary setting that have got so out of control it concerns me. I think there has been a line that has been crossed and we as a spiritual community need to really look at the difference between (boundaries and being judgmental!)

So this is my belief and how boundaries have been created for me. As I’ve grown personally, done the inner work and released worn out patterns and blocks, my vibrational frequency has been altered and grown with me, because I trust spirit/source 100%, I put my faith that what, who and where I am in my life is for my highest good. So really, no boundaries have had to be made by me. Of course, people and places have dropped away organically, but there was no need for me to really do anything. The only upheaval that was felt by me as this process continued was when I fought against it and tried to keep those situations in my life. See change is only uncomfortable when we resist. Trying to decipher what is a good boundary regimen has shown me some very over the top behaviours. I have been privy to conversations and they have really shocked and confused me; some evolved humans are choosing whether someone is positive or negative. I myself have had these moments in my life where I am talking to someone that is what we have stereotyped as an ‘energy vampire’. In trusting spirit, if these encounters are not habitual then show compassion and open your heart and listen. If there is a pattern and the same sort of conversations or situations keep happening, then look within to see what it is mirroring. What do you need to work on or release? The judgmental part of boundary setting is gossiping about the person or situation involved, reaching a verdict about another person and sharing your opinion with others. And as we know, separation is an illusion.

Judgements and rejections in our spiritual world just brings more of that towards us. Allowing the natural flow means people will flow in and flow out as we need to learn and grow. Boundaries are about growth of you, your inner work. Not set as an example that you are higher or further along than others. Think of yourself as fortunate that you’ve had those lessons and moved on and see everyone else as our Creator does. When I am faced with an uncomfortable situation, I put it up to Spirit. I say, “Spirit I put this up to you to deal with and transmute into love for everyone’s highest good.” Please remember change comes from you. What other people think of me is none of my business, but I am going to make damn sure I’ve crossed my T’s dotted my I’s and done everything I can to make a difference in my energy field. If everyone could just look and strive to be the best versions of themselves, THAT’S HOW WE CHANGE THE WORLD.



Linda Willow Roberts

Linda Willow Roberts is a spiritual teacher, author and creator of ‘I am a Manifestor Magical Oracle Cards’ based in Tasmania and offering her products and services anywhere in the world.

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