Still Waters Run Deep by Jilly Gabrielson

Deep, deep within there is a field that exists in all of us.  Most of us never go there.  Instead, we cope so as not to venture near it.

This field holds our emotional lineage and generational pain around love and loss.

We have been conditioned to push it down or to think it is a bad thing to travel into this field, as it feels uncomfortable and devastating.

However, what if there is some kind of communication or understanding found there that would help to free us from lifetimes of loss?

Maybe the more real we can be with the depth of our sensitivity and feelings that exist layer upon layer, we may be able to find our way through to clarity.

In this clearer space, we might recognise the ongoing pattern of life, whether we are here in body, or not…who are we really?

We all carry names and stories but beyond that, we are energy, specific and eternal.  We carry the vibrations of our experiences lifetime after lifetime, until we become aware of what we are doing and the patterns we are repeating.

One of our major patterns that helps keep us stuck in mind fields is, “loss is a bad thing and gain is a good thing”.  Maybe the pattern to be recognised is duality.

We are now in a time of “oneness”.  Have we reached the point where we are able to travel within and find something previously unknown?  Could we have simply been in a reality of duality and are now able to transcend into a new field?

Here we remember the energy of each other, more than the presented name and story.  In this recognition, a powerful truth exchanges between each other that helps to recalibrate our natural energy of remembering.

In this recognition we bring our wholeness together, emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually.  Maybe we are here in the physical to experience this reality and to help free the duality existing in us and the world in general.

Is it to embrace life and to find the joy in living it without attaching to the experiences?  To walk with sovereignty on mother earth and to be aware of the living nature found in all things.

Perhaps in walking our talk, this simple awareness, brings us through separation into our natural alignment with self, the Universe and home to our familiar pattern of the truth.              

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Jilly Gabrielson

Jilly is a qualified psychotherapist, specialising in the areas of: conscious business leadership, holistic counselling and creative mentorship. An explorer and discover of life on this beautiful blue planet…perhaps to find love is the answer.

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