That Strange Humming Noise and a Possible Explanation by Gerard Bini

For many years now thousands of people, around the world (myself included) have been hearing a strange humming noise, especially at night-time.

I started to hear it around 2008, and initially thought it was coming from a truck in the distance, running at idle.I continued to experience it in a number of houses, all the way through to country NSW, l started to begin to feel that this ‘idling truck’ sound was not something l was imagining, or the truck was following me around, but that there was much more to it.

Then as time went by with my Building Biology consultancy work, I started to receive many emails and phone calls from people who were also hearing this sound.

In many households only one or two people out of five were able to hear this hum, in fact my research found that generally only about 2% of the population could hear it. Those who couldn’t hear the hum would chastise those who could and were labelling them as Tinnitus, or even madness or feigning imagination.

I had some customers who, after moving into a new home, had began to hear the hum so loudly that they felt that they were going crazy and were becoming desperate to leave their new abodes. Some people thought that a harmonizer like the Geoclense would fix the humming sound, as they were experiencing extreme Geopathic stress, which wasn’t the case.

The hum continued to come and go randomly. I lived a in a two-storey weatherboard house with predominantly timber floors, the house was like a big speaker, the hum so loud that at times you could hear it outside as well.

If you Google strange humming noise there are a number of websites giving what they thought, were plausible reasons for the hum: large industrial sites, a possible shift in the earth’s core, high voltage power lines (which is possible however a different type of hum), mating fish, background noise pollution from nearby traffic, HAARP ( High-frequency Active Auroral Research Programs), large ocean waves crashing reverberating against the ocean floor, etc.

Google Hum

I am going to share some of the unexpected research findings from the studies I have conducted over the last few weeks around the hum. If you’re not aware, we are in the midst of another period of Mercury in retrograde.

It stared on the 14th of May and will end of the 7th of July. We have spoken and written a blog about what happens when Mercury goes retrograde before, about how it generates a Geoelectric current through the ground on a planetary scale, and the resultant earth radiation emanating out of the ground sometimes has extended as far as 6 meters above the ground. 5G in streetlight networks do the same thing, however only 1.5 meters about the ground.

The first week of this Mercury retrograde there was no Geoelectric current effect. However, since the 28th of June the Geoelectric current did start to develop. Something else began to occur as well. The humming noise returned. This is where the research was unexpected. Prior to the 28th of June there had been no humming noise heard at my home and other buildings regularly visited, such as our factory and offices in Somerville, Vic.

Then the penny dropped. Could the hum be caused by Geoelectric currents through the earth’s crust when on a planetary scale, caused by retrogrades, and also extremely high solar winds? The hum since the 28th of June has not been consistent. We have had some days or periods of many hours where there was no Geoelectric current and guess what… no hum!

So, what can you do about it in your home when it does occur?Having a Geoclense or a Stellar Dome in your home, when the hum is occurring, will harmonize the resultant Earth radiation which causes Geopathic stress in the body. Because if there is a hum, then there is almost guaranteed to be a Geoelectric current. However, it will not stop the hum.

Some other suggestions are:

  • Play some soft background music to drown the hum out.
  • Try to ignore it if your mind is strong and disciplined.
  • Just accept it for what it is, a planetary phenomenon.
  • Don’t allow yourself to go into fear, because the sky is not falling!
  • Spend time outdoors.

I had one spiritual client who, when she heard the hum, embraced it as an act of God and felt that the hum was in alignment with the Aum sound that seasoned meditators experience.

I will continue to monitor the hum in conjunction with Geoelectric currents and will hopefully have some more statistical information in the future. Maybe l am wrong, however so far, the rule of thumb seems to be, no planetary Geoelectric current caused by planetary/Astrological events and or high solar winds of around 500Km/second and above, then no hum. Geoelectric currents planetary and the hum returns.

By Gerard Bini

Intuitive Building Biologist

Founder & Managing Director

Orgone Effects Australia Pty. Ltd.

Gerard Bini

Gerard Bini, founder of Orgone Effects Australia and the foremost Australian expert in the development of Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) harmonizing products, is a well-respected and internationally renowned Intuitive Building Biologist with 20 years of experience and research into EMF beyond the normal.

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