The Benefits of the Ionic Bamboo Toothbrush by Gerard Bini

At Orgone Effects Australia we know you are conscious of the things you put into your body – even when it comes to brushing your teeth.

Our Ionic Bamboo Toothbrush is made from environmentally friendly bio-degradable bamboo, and Ionised bristles.

The benefits for using a toothbrush with Ionized bristles is that the negative charge resonance from the bristles imparts a negative charge to the saliva and toothpaste which, in turn, attracts the plaque which has a positive charge.  The handle of the Ionic Toothbrush has also been infused with a negative charge resonance.

This method of brushing, some claim, is so effective that no toothpaste is necessary.  However, we suggest that you may like to use a toothpaste with anti-bacterial properties that doesn’t contain any fluoride.

The bamboo is heat treated to carbonize the surface of the bamboo, giving it a quality finish and good service life. The carbonization finishing process provides water resistance and prevents the growth of microbes (bacteria and molds) during normal use.

The bristles are made from a polymer resistant to microbial growth during normal use, to ensure safety and durability.

The Ionic Toothbrush will last up to 3 months or longer before it would need replacing.

The Ionic Toothbrush is available in 3 bristle types:

  • Soft
  • Medium
  • Child

Learn more here:

#toothbrush #dental #emf #emfprotection

Gerard Bini

Gerard Bini, founder of Orgone Effects Australia and the foremost Australian expert in the development of Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) harmonizing products, is a well-respected and internationally renowned Intuitive Building Biologist with 20 years of experience and research into EMF beyond the normal.

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