The Emerging Woman by Janet McGeever

There’s a new woman emerging – a woman who wants to know self-love. A woman who wants to live an authentic life where she knows deeply she is valued, loved and respected because she values, loves and respects her own self. And nothing short of that will do. A woman whose desire to love herself is foremost above loving another, as she’s learnt that all her focus on others has only drained her body, her emotions and her love. She’s wisened up. It doesn’t make her less loving. In fact she loves more. Because more is available to her. More life. More energy. More love. She understands her limits and begins to rearrange her life within that. She is aware that pure intention creates. She no longer needs another to create a love life.

She is having a vast love affair with her own tender heart.

And because of that, her heart is open to another, even more than before. Yet she knows her boundaries, her deal-breakers and stands strong yet not cold hearted or closed in the expression of them.

She’s been her harshest critic, her meanest taskmaster and now … she knows, it’s time.

She can feel something changing in the wind. She knows this can’t go on.

The emerging woman has been through a lot – her body knows what it’s like to be manipulated, distorted, pushed and pulled. Perhaps she’s conceived or birthed babies, recently or a long time ago… perhaps not at all. Still she knows the pain and suffering of it all. She also knows the joy and bliss that comes from living deeply in her body – she knows the potential of that. Yet sometimes it might seem elusive.

The emerging woman can feel the yearning in her heart. Yet the dishes need to be done. The children need to be cared for. The bills need to be paid. Oh and the career, can’t forget that… or the marriage or the sex life.

But she can feel something changing in the wind.

She knows this unlimited activity and unrealistic expectation of self can’t go on. She is coming to know when she needs nurturing, some ‘me’ time, time to return to her own self in a meaningful way. It’s not enough to go shopping or have a coffee. She returns to herself in a way that ignites her passion for life, renews her hope for love that fills her cup so that she can go forth and spread her love through her own work, her relationship and her family.

But she knows this can’t be done from an empty cup. She is learning to say No. It’s time to bed down … ah, but not fall asleep, just time to rest long enough in the hearth of Love. Time to replenish. To gather in all the lost threads she has thrown out all these years. To gather them in like little lost children, all those little ones trying so hard to please, to be loved, to be cared for, to achieve, to be recognized. And when she does that, she becomes whole again.

The emerging woman mothers these ones like she has never mothered before. She rekindles her childhood loves. Those things that make her laugh, sing, dance and create. She finds a well of love inside her that aches to be expressed, but she learns to wisely contain it this time. For in the containment, she’s discovered it becomes more potent. In fact she becomes even more generous with her love. It is effortless. Her compassion is unmeasured and it extends beyond family and creed.

She learns to not spill her sexual energy everywhere, for again she knows that the containment creates more potency, more love, more creativity, more life for her and more love for others. She is choosy about who and when she shares this with. However she does not control or seduce with her sexual energy. She knows the deeper calling of her heart and its integrity and stands strongly by that.

Are you this woman? Do you feel her emerging in you? Every woman on the planet is this emerging woman in some form or another. You cannot miss this uprising. It is happening everywhere. For women, the call to self-nurture and self-love has never been more crucial, in this speedy life and world. Balance is needed urgently – war is raging in some parts, drugs that never existed 30 years ago are ruining families and whole townships, the violence between men and women is increasing.

Dear woman, it starts with you and me. We have a role, to cultivate the conscious feminine heart. The journey to this is self-care, self-respect and self-love. Only when we make this a priority, can we authentically relate with our beloved, give and serve humanity in a way that is sustainable and that creates balance within us, and consequently our relationships, families and communities.

I’m here to honour the emergent woman. Will you join me?

Janet McGeever is presenter of Time for Femininity and The Making Love Retreat

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