Tidying Up the Old and Easing into 2023 By Abbey Rose

Hi everyone, it’s Abbey Rose back for another incredible year of growth— emotionally, mentally, spiritually and financially.

Having felt into the energy of 2023, I am so excited to share with you all that this is a year of shift and celebration. We have planted the seeds, done the hard work, and now we are able to watch our labour of love begin to pay off.

In saying this though, ease yourself gently into the year, as January starts us off with a lot of planets in retrograde.

What this means is that many of us will be coming into the new year feeling like it hasn’t yet started, or that you are starting on the back foot and experiencing overwhelm.

Please, do not worry about this. You are not the only one feeling like 2022 hasn’t ended yet.

Sometimes in order to create space for something new, we need to finish tidying up the old to help us move forwards.

To help you create this space, here are three strategies you can utilise this month to ease you into growth you are going to experience:

  • Breathe. Anything you feel has lingered from 2022 is on its way out. Take time to do some breathwork and release anything that is stuck so you are able to start the year feeling fresh and revitalised.
  • Release unhelpful money beliefs that are not serving you by making note of all expenses coming out of your accounts, so you are not caught by surprise. If financials are a cause of stress for you, now is the time to take control of them and understand your ebbs and flows.
  • Enjoy yourself. This feeling of turmoil is short lived, and the easiest way to ease through it is to indulge in things you enjoy. 2023 is a year of prosperity and falling in love with your life. Why not start the year off focusing on the things you love so they can hold a bigger space as the year progresses.

January is the steppingstone into the new year, not the cut off for the new beginning.

Remember to treat yourself with kindness as these planets shift through their retrograde, and focus on becoming your highest and best self this month. Your future you will thank you for it!

To book into a Sovereign Information session with Abbey on a group Zoom, please visit:


Abbey Rose

Abbey Rose is here to help you create, manage and protect your wealth. With over 15 years in the finance sector, Abbey brings cutting edge business and financial wisdom that mixes the worlds of strategy and intuition helping you create financial empowerment.

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