Tips from a Spiritual Teacher by Linda Willow Roberts

When is enough, enough when it comes to working on healing yourself? We never stop learning, ever! But when is it time to cease the constant healing and purging of self? As an evolving Spiritual being, to become a clear channel and to vibrate and manifest at a high level it is imperative that we release old patterns and belief systems in order to grow into the best versions of ourselves.

Your work on yourself will fill any voids that you are feeling. I compare this to what I call powering up. Becoming self-confident, able or hitting your sweet spot, as long as it is heart based not ego. I caution you with these thoughts: Once you release a pattern, block, or situation and you’ve done this correctly you will never dwell or even think about it again. So it’s a constant emptying out, a freeing up of sorts. If it keeps resurfacing, then you haven’t released it! This will keep you stuck in the cycle of that vibration.

At some stage though you will have reclaimed enough of yourself to stop the perpetual wrestle to repair and restore yourself to your natural state. Please do not get stuck in the habitual addictive state of re-hashing the same pattern, words, terminology, course structure and mindset. This will only keep you captive and possibly feeling submerged under a dark cloud. Who hasn’t felt that feeling? As vibrational beings we need to be fluent and flow. Thus our teaching methods need to be light and organic and grow with us.

The occasional new layer will come up for us to exculpate, but this will be done easily as it is a divine timing undertaking. What this actually does is put you into a better climate to be of service you go from thinking ME to WE. When is it enough healing? You be the judge of that. Notice your reoccurring words and thoughts. Also, how you feel is a good radar to recognise whether there is more work to be done. I hear and see so many Spiritual people rehashing the same lesson. It took me a while to realise that I was ok and didn’t need to constantly heal myself anymore. Acceptance of who I was felt awkward that in itself showed me there was a lesson there. It nearly always comes back to ‘I AM ENOUGH’! I stopped dredging up and trying to unearth things that were hidden away and started to allow Spirit to take the wheel.

Be aware that the constant need to heal is also a learned behaviour that can lead to a pattern. Acceptance of who you are can be so liberating.

Linda Willow Roberts

Linda Willow Roberts

Linda Willow Roberts is a spiritual teacher, author and creator of ‘I am a Manifestor Magical Oracle Cards’ based in Tasmania and offering her products and services anywhere in the world.

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