Tips From a Spiritual Teacher by Linda Willow Roberts

Over the years we all go through our ups and our downs. If you’re a practicing Spiritual person you will have done your own purging work, and released outworn conditioning and belief systems to “EVOLVE”; a word that means to develop gradually. This inner work needs to be done constantly as you develop your Spiritual gifts and grow into your manifesting abilities.

What I find is that when we release a certain situation or lesson, the spirit mirrors that vibrational frequency and brings more of that situation towards you. If you’re a reader/healer and actively working on yourself, how many times while you are shifting something from your consciousness does it appear in your clients? You attract what you are. Mind, body and soul, holistically. It’s like the Universe is sending reminders or questions!

“Do you get it yet?” “Has it sunken in?” “Do you need any more examples?”

No thank you!

I have been asked so many times; how do I dissociate from this lesson so that my future clients don’t have these issues? Basically there are two answers to that question.

You are unique, what you have gone through or learnt is exclusive to you. That gives you a good understanding of particular situations and beliefs. This enhances your compassion and empathy for your client. Remember you are in service and we have asked for these experiences in this life to learn, to grow and to teach.

The second way to completely remove that matching vibrational experience is by writing and clearing it yourself. This is how I have done it in the past. I write my first sentence explaining the block, pattern, lesson or situation I need to release. I then explain who was involved and how it made me feel. What exactly happened from my perspective and what it taught me. The last sentence is always the same. I declare to the Universe that I am handing over the above, all pain, anger and the unforgiven associated with it. I ask the Universe to transmute it for everyone’s highest good in all directions of time and I let it go.

The old cliché of removing layer after layer is correct. We never really finish our learning journey, but it does get easier and smoother. I can now let things go with ease and grace and so forth. You will help those who resonate with you. On your spiritual journey your business, clients and customers will evolve with you.

Remember that to be good at spiritual guidance is to be transparent. Don’t just stick to the same things or topics. Grow with your team. Notice the shifts. If it reoccurs, ask yourself what are you not letting go of?
If you still cannot release it on your own seek out a Theta Healer, they will use a sentence to remove all blocks and patterns.

Linda Willow Roberts

Linda Willow Roberts is a spiritual teacher, author and creator of ‘I am a Manifestor Magical Oracle Cards’ based in Tasmania and offering her products and services anywhere in the world.

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