What does the colour of your eye tell us about your temperament? by Cherie Ashana

Your eyes are the windows to your soul’s wisdom & based on your eye colour alone there is plenty of information to share.

Layer that up with the other textures, tones, pigments & fibre structures, we can build a profile about not only your health & wellbeing but also going back 3 generations on both your mother’s and father’s sides.

With this information in hand, you will be able to make more informed choices about your life & gain deeper awareness and insight into what is and is not important & beneficial for you.

I prefer to work from a space of prevention rather than cure & we often leave it till it is too late to jump on board with regards to our health & lifestyle choices.

We are each uniquely different.  Your eyes are as unique if not more so than your fingerprints.

The great thing about Iridology is there are so many different paths we can take your assessment down, but more importantly, your analysis is completed based on what is most important for you to know right now.

What stands out most of all & what do you need to know now?

So, this month I thought I would offer some information about you based on your eye colour & the primary nurture points for each colour (primary nurture point being a point of possible perceived weakness), there are only 3 colour categories when it comes to the eyes, see if you resonate with any of the following:

Lymphatic/Blue/Green/Grey eyes

Primary Nurture point- Lymphatic System

When balanced, agreeable, grounded, perceptive. They are connectors and love bringing people together.

Insecurities, May experience insecurities around social and material dynamics.

Mixed (brown green/brown blue)

Primary Nurture Point-Liver, Gallbladder, Digestion & pancreas

Can Experience tendencies of the other two eye colours, which can create confusion, can alter their opinion & have trouble making up their minds, they are attracted to both blue and brown eyed people in relationships.

Hematogenic (brown eyes)

Primary Nurture Point- Blood & Digestion

These people are not afraid to state their opinion, they love to feed you & host. Lively and emotional, can be highly strung at times, when in a positive frame of mind, they are unstoppable with a vast amount of energy.

I could go into so much detail just on your colour, I will go into more detail next month around eye colour and how we end up with the eyes we do.

Guiding you In health, healing & happiness!

Cherie Ashana x

Advanced Physical Iridologist, herbalist & Healer

To book an Advanced Physical Iridology assessment with me either in person or virtually please either email on navigatingtotheheart@gmail.com or call on 0412 450 664, for all my services go to my website www.navigatingtotheheart.com.au

Cherie Ashana

Cherie Ashana is a qualified, integrated Iridologist, herbalist & much more..

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