You Know It When You Know It by Shveta

I woke up with this whisper and beautiful chirping of birds in the background.

I looked at the alarm clock and it was 5:55 am. It dawned on me that no matter what others say or think, the voice within is what I rely upon.

From the past few years, I have been working to align more and more to the higher self and the centeredness of my being. With this came more trust and faith. I won’t say it was easy as the old conditioning always interfered. It was the conditioning and patterns we lived and breathed in for millions of years (including parallel and past lives). And dismantling the older stuff to let the new-born in was tedious.

It takes every cell of your body to go deeper and deeper, unravel the tarnishes thinning and conditioning that almost feel like minutes. Each time I dig deeper, I find an old thought, belief or feeling that has been influenced by society and experienced by cultural conditioning. I know it’s time for me to let go of the old grime that has been tarnished and doesn’t serve me anymore. 

And now I am at a stage where the whisper that I ignored for almost 3 decades, is my only guiding light. The whisper that was faint is like a gentle roar that doesn’t leave my ashtray. You know the knowing when you know it and there’s nothing that can then interfere in the knowing.

You can connect to your knowing by taking the first step of creating a connection with yourself.

Creating a connection with yourself requires honesty and consistency. 

  • Introspecting the aisles of the inner world with questions like, “WHO ARE YOU without the roles and people/things you are attached to?” This trembled me in the beginning as I realised the castle of glass being built around the attachments and old paradigms. So don’t worry if this bothers you.
  • Start spending some time with yourself without any distractions – no devices, no music, no books. Just you and yourself. Start with a few minutes to then expand to maybe an hour. 
  • Meditate – don’t quiet your mind but let the thoughts flow freely. Step back and become the observer of the ramble of your mind.
  • Ground yourself by spending time with nature – water, earth, flowers, rain. 
  • Find yourself a mentor/coach/healer if you feel ready for the inside job (inner work) to work on energetic blocks that hinders the connection with your true self.

Most of my work is on ‘inner healing’ and ‘inside job’ where I help my clients to untether them from energetic blocks and trauma so that they can connect to the knowing, the inner voice and the truth.


Shveta is a software engineer turned intuitive therapist, an inspired writer/speaker and creator of Untethered Goddess. Her programs and sessions help women to unleash their inner goddess, leading them to live with authenticity and exuberance.

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