Connection. Wellbeing. Healing. Inspiration. Joy.

The Conscious Life Holistic Wellbeing Festival is back!2020 was a year that impacted many things; sadly, the Conscious Life Holistic Wellbeing Festival was one of them. But 2021 is bursting with life and energy, because this year it is back!Festival...

What is it that YOU want to BREAK FREE from?

Self sabotage, weight gain, bloating, addiction, gut problems/imbalance, foggy brain, loss of interest in life, anger, worry, pain, chronic illness, disease, anxiety, emotional imbalance, dense energy, low cellular charge, stress, autoimmune...

Latest Teleconference

We are so pleased to announce that we are getting ready to put together a series of teleconferences. You can view the dates and costs on the right hand side of the web site and just click on the section and it will take you through to pay pal for...

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