Archetypes of Elder Women and of Hags and Crones By Ann Moir-Bussy

Last month we spoke of becoming ‘seers of other realities’, and that our task is to become the elder who has the responsibility to pass on wisdom learned. In ancient mythologies there are many stories of elders who are goddesses and in particular...

The Heart of Wealth by Abbey Rose

Building Abundance Through Relationships and Self-WorthBuilding abundance through relationships and self-worth is one of the most impactful transformations you can experience, both as an individual and as a business owner.Close your eyes for a...

EMF in the Workplace by Gerard Bini

People often find productivity and accuracy in the workplace seems to wane, especially in the afternoon, because the body is exhausted from being taxed by constant radiation exposure.What people don’t realize is that ALL workplaces are...

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