A Simple Guide to Your Customer Journey as a Holistic Business Owner by Lyndi MacRae

Holistic Business Growth: A Roadmap for Your Customer Journey

Help Clients Find and Stay with You Through Each Stage

As a holistic business owner and as a marketing consultant, mentor and trainer for holistic businesses. It’s been my experience to hear over and over again the frustrations and pains you face when tapping into the online technology space.

In this article, I’d like to share with you a process that, when I really understood it, helps me every time I sit to create my marketing pieces (like this one) from social media content, website resources and e-marketing for a holistic end-to-end solution.

Creating your digital online footprint matters so you can be found on the web when a person goes looking for you, or sees you post on social media etc.

One of the first things I do when I’m looking into a mentor, is I’m looking to see, do they walk their talk, are they congruent and aligned. Just having a shiny front cover presentation doesn’t mean I’m going to get a pleasant experience. I test it first before handing over my investment into me and my personal growth.

Sadly, most often my experience is clunky and I’m expected to jump through too many hoops just to do business with them. And guess what happens? Hmmm Yup! You’re right, my money didn’t get spent with them as it was too hard and an easier option showed up that had taken the time to put a pleasurable customer journey in place.

If you don’t make it easy to do business with you, then you’ll lose business. And I hear it often that people ‘don’t want to do…’ a certain thing. One thing I know I’m hearing is, ‘I want to sell my offering but I don’t want to put in any effort.’ 

And the hard truth is, just sitting under a tree meditating, will not get you results. You MUST take what I call inspired action and get your energy moving you towards your desired outcome.

~ Where attention goes, energy flows ~
and I add in

– Action gets you traction –

I know your passion is helping people achieve wellness, not navigating the complexities of marketing. Finding and keeping clients can be tough, and without a clear path for guiding potential clients to become loyal ones, you might be missing out on growth opportunities.

Without a clear customer journey, clients can get lost, meaning your valuable services don’t reach the people who need them. A strong customer journey ensures you build trust and guide your clients effectively, which is crucial in the world of holistic health.

Think about your customer journey in three simple stages:

  1. Collect: Identify your ideal clients and share messages that resonate with them to pique their interest
  2. Convert: Keep them engaged with valuable information, then make a compelling offer and make it easy for them to work with you
  3. Create: Deliver on your promises, impress them with your services, and encourage them to share their experiences with others

There are many tools available to support you to get organised and streamline this process and let you focus on what you do best.

In my book, ‘In Demand Boss Business Operating Success Systems To Help You Get Organised & Save Time!,’ I explain how understanding this journey can transform your business. One reader, Sarah, shared, “Lyndi’s advice gave me a clear path to follow. I now know how to turn prospects into happy clients.”

For a more detailed guide on creating your own customer journey, read the full article on my website, where you’ll also find a workbook to help you get started.
>> Continue reading here and get your free workbook

Stay Healthy and Happy
Lyndi MacRae

The Business Intuitive 🔱

Birther and Supporter of Holistic Business owners creating Online Businesses, tapping into technology and making it fun. Co-Creator of Sacred Healing Spaces.


Small Business Growth Consultant & Mentor Creating Leveraged, Efficient Marketing Systems for Holistic Business Owners 

Lyndi is author of #1 Best Seller: IN DEMAND B.O.S.S. Business Operating Success Systems To Help You Get Organised & Save Time!

Book Your Free Vision Chat Now 

Lyndi MacRae

As an Intuitive Business Mentor, Coach and Trainer. Author of #1 best-seller 'In Demand B.O.S.S,' Lyndi provides business growth solutions with heart, specialising in business automation and emarketing, using attraction marketing strategies. She also has her own Cacao product and hosts Ceremonial Cacao infused sound healing ceremonies.

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