Leading with Clarity, New Perspectives and Precision of Purpose by Karen Riley

There’s no denying that each new year opens a unique vibrational field of energy to the collective that invites us to take inventory of all that has come to pass and what potentials lie just ahead for us. Our ways of being and moving within this...

Author Time? By Julia Van Der Sluys

I am not a huge fan of ‘New Year, New You’, as it doesn’t need to take a new year to do what the heck you want to do. I do love a little review though and thinking forward to what you want to achieve.So here is my little review process for you, if...

Silencing UP by Karen Riley

Harnessing the Power of Silence to Raise Your Awareness & VibrationWe live in a world that is naturally fast moving, loud and often times seemingly chaotic due to the dynamic nature of desire and creation that is always at play in our reality...

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