Appreciating the Simple Gifts of Life by Vanessa Finnigan

In these times of great change, we are creating a more awakened world together and it helps to have leaders who inspire and encourage us to believe in ourselves.

Anna Grace Taylor is a great example of a leader who does just that, and exudes a gentle potency, inspiring millions of people around the world. And when I met and interviewed her a few months ago via Zoom from her home in England, she was extremely candid with me and down to Earth.

Anna shares light-filled messages of hope, as well as the many challenges she has experienced in her life and no doubt that’s why so many people relate to her and feel supported by her work. “Connection with others is at the heart of everything I do, I want to connect with people and say to them you are not alone and I’m here for you,” Anna shared.

Winding back the clock, Anna and her twin sister entered the world fighting for their lives, born eleven weeks premature and spending three months in hospital. It was a miracle they survived but the challenges continued.  Although Anna started speaking very early, she didn’t have the same mobility as her sister and was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Anna didn’t properly take her first independent steps until she was six years old and this improved over time.

She faced ongoing emotional and physical hurdles for the first three decades of her life and it was very confronting as a young teenager to be told she needed to have surgery so she wouldn’t be in a wheelchair at 30.  She felt backed into a corner but proceeded with the surgery at 14 years of age, “within the first few minutes of having the surgery, I knew my life had changed,” she said with sensitivity. And at that point in our Zoom conversation, her beautiful cat Rumi joined our conversation, positioning herself on the top of her couch, behind where she sat.

After more surgery Anna’s health continued to deteriorate and she really didn’t have much of a life till she was in her mid 20’s. Up until then, she suffered with M.E, chronic fatigue and was mostly bed and house bound.  “It’s taken me a long time to have the life I do; I didn’t become amazingly well overnight. My experience taught me a lot about alternative therapies like acupuncture, hypnosis, and energy healing when the medical model didn’t have any further answers. It took me on a journey that allowed me to do the things I do now and so here we are.” 

Because of her openness to possibilities, the people she met along the way (including a meeting with singer Robbie Williams and then that same night having an experience with an Angel visiting her room) became a part of her growth and journey. And she learnt how to work with her sensitivities and use her intuitive gifts to assist herself and others. Anna says we each have at least two guardian angels around us and all we need to do is ask them for assistance.

Now in her early 40s, Anna’s strong connection with the angels and Spirit has allowed her life to flourish. She’s a singer with the voice of an angel, a spiritual mentor, an angel therapist, author and speaker. But she is quick to point out that she hasn’t created an identity from those things and says just ‘being’ is enough.

“We are all enough as we are! You are purposeful because you exist! And in knowing that, what would you do just because you can? What would you do if you could just choose?” The last few years have shown us the things that are out of our control but there are still things within that we can choose.”

Interestingly, after a breast cancer scare in Dec 2020, she realised more choices were available to her. When she faced the fear of potentially having breast cancer, things shifted and she had an energy that was indescribable enter her back, allowing her to be fully in her body. This was a surprise to Anna, as she had regarded herself as a pretty grounded person prior to this spiritual experience. What then followed was a line of existential thought processes, “Why would I deny myself of anything I want? If I do have cancer, I would want to do all the things that I thought were not possible before, like being in a long-term relationship and having children.”

Fortunately, the scans revealed the lump was benign, but from that moment on, she experienced life and herself in a different way.

For many of us, traumatic life events can lead to asking the big questions like, “why am I here?” and “what is my purpose?” and facing our own sense of mortality can be a game changer. And as you can imagine people now approach Anna asking her, “what is my life purpose?” and her response may surprise you, “our purpose is to be who we are and do the things that light us up. It doesn’t have to be a massive work project; it might be experiencing the joy of family life. Your purpose is not just your career.” 

Anna said it’s easy for people to think she has a lot of ambition because she is an international author and has a big social media following. “I have little ambition now, but big dreams. I don’t feel motivated by the same things and I don’t feel I have to prove myself. I also don’t feel limited by what other people think I should do.”

And as much as she loves her work and being of service, she says she doesn’t have to just be of service, she can also have a life and a family.

Anna acknowledges it’s great to want to make a difference and have goals but if they don’t include you and your own joy and passion and you are just doing it because you think it’s being a helpful person, then that might not be the greatest way of being of service, especially if it becomes your identity and you wear it as a badge of honour.

After everything she has endured during her early years, she has developed incredible resilience and is a master of self-kindness and kindness to others. Although she clarifies, you can be super kind and claim that as your superpower but if that kindness doesn’t include you, then you are not that kind or loving.

“I don’t think self-love is about seeing yourself as a perfect person or loving every part of yourself. I aim to treat myself kindly; like a friend, and not have unachievable standards. And this area of self-love has been one of my biggest lessons.”

Anna’s insights and offerings really help to put things in perspective, dispelling many spiritual myths and fostering a sense of gratitude for the small things in life.  Let’s join with her and make 2022 even more about self-kindness, kindness to others and collaboration. 

To connect with Anna and find out more about her private sessions and her book ‘Messages of Grace’ please visit

Special info for 2022: Anna is offering a limited number of Year Readings for 2022 where you can receive Angelic guidance and insight for each month of the year ahead. She also offers free Weekly Angel Readings via her You Tube page at and Daily Messages on her Facebook page


Vanessa Finnigan is the founder, editor and publisher of Holistic Bliss.
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