Tracey Seipel is an Australian formulator and entrepreneur, and the creator of the first, and only, clinically proven herbal formula for urinary incontinence. Tracey is now an internationally acknowledged leader in nutraceuticals for bladder control.
Tracey’s textbook ‘local-girl-makes-good’ story began in the 90s when Tracey, then working as a formulator in Brisbane, discovered via a popular women’s magazine survey, that one of the top-ranking issues women of all ages wished they could fix was urinary incontinence.
Accordingly, Tracey pitched an herbal bladder control supplement to several companies. The decision-makers in product development at the time were not interested in investing in finding a solution for what they perceived to be a messy and embarrassing problem affecting elderly women.
Upon further investigation, Tracey uncovered the true scale of the problem and identified a massive unmet need for men, women, and children. For women alone, incontinence, or bladder leaks from little to large, affects 40% of new mothers, half of menopausal women, 75% of women in nursing homes (it is one of the leading causes for admittance to aged care), and even 50% of elite female athletes in high-impact sports.
Incontinence might not be considered a serious medical problem, but it has a flow-on effect on health and wellbeing. Many women give up exercising, have interrupted sleep which increases daytime fatigue, or avoid travelling or socialising for fear of a bladder accident. Urinary incontinence can isolate the elderly in their homes, causing loneliness and depression.
For years, women were expected to just ‘put up with it’; rely on incontinence pads (now a major landfill issue); try pharmaceuticals that have intolerable side-effects or give up their lifestyle. Tracey decided that there had to be an herbal solution and, since no one else was prepared to find it, she launched into what became a 20-year journey and ultimately formulated Urox, a now multi award-winning phytomedicine that is exported globally.
The herbal formula taking the world by storm!
Urox® is a unique, patented blend of Equisetum arvense (Horsetail); the Ayurvedic extract of Crateva nurvala and the Japanese/Chinese extract of Lindera aggregata. Urox® strengthens bladder and pelvic floor muscles, supports collagen and connective tissue, and promotes a healthy nerve response in the bladder. It is well tolerated when taken with other medicines.
Because bladder control is not a glamorous area of research (another reason no one had tackled the issue) Tracey also had to verify efficacy largely with self-funded expensive clinical trials. Some impressive 2018 Urox trial results include:
- 75% reduced their incontinence pad usage to one or less per day.
- 23% of participants were fully continent.
- 60% reduction in urinary urgency
- Halving of nocturia (the nighttime toilet trips)
- 65% reduction in stress urinary incontinence
- 57% reduction in urgency urinary incontinence
- 90% of Urox® users felt Urox® had benefited them, improving quality of life, being less bothered by their bladder, better coping, less concern and worry, better sleep and improved social interactions.
- No significant side effects with Urox®
- Results seen by 2-weeks with best results at 8-weeks.
After launching Urox by herself in the US, Tracey formulated Prorox for men which is a full dose of Urox with clinically researched prostate ingredients. It supports the bladder to fill and empty properly; halves night-time toilet visits; improves the strength of the urinary stream and reduces dribbling post-urination. And then Tracey created Urox Junior to help bedwetting in children.
Urox has now undergone a total of fourteen clinical trials proving effectiveness for:
- Urinary frequency – urinating more than 8 times in a 24-hour period,
- Urinary urgency – the uncomfortable rush for the toilet,
- Nocturia – getting up through the night for the toilet,
- Stress urinary incontinence – bladder accidents when coughing, sneezing, jumping, or laughing,
- Urgency urinary incontinence – accidents when not reaching the toilet in time.
The accolades
Urox® has also won an astonishing line-up of awards for everything from research to innovation to eldercare. Judges have been blown away by its efficacy and life-changing potential. Here’s the list of awards (NutraIngredients Awards are the most prestigious in the industry!).
2023 Winner Lorraine Martin AO Queensland Entrepreneur of the Year, QLD, from the Women Chiefs of Enterprises International (WCEI)
2023 Finalist NutraIngredients Asia Awards: Innovation in Women’s Health
2021 Winner NutraIngredients European Product of the Year: Botanical
2021 Finalist Asia Eldercare Innovation Awards: Innovation of the Year, product
2020 Winner of the Lord Mayor Business Award (LMBA), Business Platinum Award (Brisbane, Australia)
2020 Winner of the LMBA Award, Business Innovation (Australia)
2020 Special Mention, LMBA Award, Product Innovation (Australia)
2019 Winner of the inaugural NIE (Nutrition Industry Executive publication) Award for the most advanced natural branded nutritional ingredient (USA)
2018 Winner of the NutraIngredients USA Nutrition Research Project of the Year (USA)
2006 Nutrition Business Journal Award for Formulation Innovation in recognition of opening a new health supplement category of Bladder Control (USA)
A new sustainable solution to an environmental problem
Just as no one wanted to talk about incontinence, no one wants to talk about or deal with the significant environmental problem it creates, but this is something Tracey is committed to resolving as well.
Disposable incontinence pads are the third largest non-biodegradable landfill issue globally. Six and a half million Australians have weak bladder control. Each adult, on average, sends around 1000 incontinence pads per year to landfill.
This waste contributes to leachate which contaminates waterways, produces greenhouse gasses, and the plastic biodegrades into micro plastics. Urox® reduces up to 1000 pads per person per year. It is a sustainable solution. Additionally, the herbal ingredients are sustainably harvested, and forest replanting is supported for wild-crafted material.
Tracey exemplifies what one person’s passion and unwavering commitment can achieve. Tracey is most proud of improving quality of life for so many men, women and children globally.
For more information please contact:
Ph 1300 623 616
Special Offer Get $10 off Urox, Prorox or Urox Junior with code Bliss10 (this code is for Australian customers only please connect with Tracey’s team if you are outside of Australia.)

Wonderful backgound story of the drveopment of Urox & Prorox.I have been using both products for over a year now and they havr omproved my quality of life and wellbeing…. Murray McCallum retired Clinical Nutritionist & Horticulturalist
That’s so great to hear Murray! Thank-you for sharing so that others can benefit too! Vanessa 🙂