One of the natural and innate gifts I use in my work with clients is the opening of possibilities and potentials to them that they had closed themselves off too.
When I meet a person and they begin to talk with me, I see visions and hear clear messages of the potential and possibilities that exist for them. Of course, not everyone is looking for this advice or information so unless they are a client or have asked for answers, I keep it to myself. Some say this is selfish, but I can tell you from personal experience that not everyone is ready for the bigger picture! And I also know from personal experience that when the big picture scared me, I shrank even more.
In my proprietary 5 Step ‘The PEACE Process’ this is the first thing we explore. I assist you in finding clarity on what it is that you desire and why that has not happened. I then guide you to a parallel reality where you ARE that persona living that which you desire.
I have discovered over the years in my work with 10’s of thousands of people that if a person cannot feel into or imagine what it is they wish to become, or the possibility I can see for them, then they are constantly reaching for something and remain in a state of lack. This was me too.
I was here….what I desired was there…
Over the years I have done many courses and personal development where this was the result.
When The PEACE Process: Tools to Align & Prosper was channelled through to me one night, it was the opposite. And it worked.
The 5 Steps I take you through begin with the end.
Imagining your desire, the persona that creates that desire and then feeling into the life that you are already living as that in a parallel reality will mean you remember that part of you, realise it IS possible and therefore are not reaching for it anymore. You are it. The possibility is a reality for you.
This is a game changer because no longer are you reaching but remembering. We then integrate all of this with the next 4 steps in the process.
Take a moment now to do this for yourself.
Think of one thing in your life right now that you would like to shift, feel better about, change, or create. Close your eyes and make an intention to imagine that is already playing out in another reality for you. Pay close attention to all the details and the key here is to see and feel it all through the eyes of the persona you are tuning in to. Stay here if you wish and then when you come back, write down all you experienced.
You will now know it is possible for you. So, the next question will be – what actions can you take towards this now you know it?
The Peace Process is helping people across the country to create a life they love and to help people with support and clarity I have created The PEACE Process Transformation Circle.
8 women, 8 weeks. Support, accountability, and a safe space to expand into your greatest possibility! Doors are open and the 8 spaces will fill fast.
If you are reading this, I want you to know that whatever you desire IS possible because you wouldn’t have the desire or the dream if it wasn’t. I would love to journey into the bigger possibilities for you and share what I see for you.
With love xo
Connect with me here:
Buy the Book: The PEACE Process: Tools To Align & Prosper
Join the Circle: The PEACE Process 8 Week Transformation Circle
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