Embracing Your Greatness: A Journey to Self-Acceptance and Transformation by Reena Terreping

My alchemist shares the most absurd ideas that you thought were only dreams in your head. Never have these words had such a real sound until now, and then she says that is the true you and you have to live up to that. That’s your real choice.

It kind of sounds like it’s already created, when I am with her! Amazing!

Then we talk and I kind of try to dim down the greatness that she said I am; she catches me and brings me back from my egoic mind, teaching me how to do/be it myself. It’s practice.

In some places you are thinking you are vicious, evil and unlovable, so this word greatness disappears somewhere-nowhere. Perhaps stop for a moment and be with this word ‘greatness’ for a little bit.

What if you do not have what you are supposed to have because you are constantly making yourself smaller, wrong; adjusting yourself with everyone and everything around you? Thinking it’s the way, the right way, because most people are living like that.

Is that the way for you though? Note: choosing you doesn’t mean excluding everyone else.

Can you imagine swimming in your wildest dreams and feeling complete alignment with yourself while doing it?

There are no doubts; no self-sabotage, no resistance, fear or fight.

It is so weird, yet natural and wonderful!

I also realised that I’ve been doing it for others for all my life, without being aware of it, and I have met some that have done that for me, but I kind of kept brushing it off. This time she didn’t let me. She held me accountable for acknowledging my greatness. That is subtle; that has no reaction; no demand in it. It feels like presence, space, like it’s all just here. Opaaaa! My heart starts pounding! Lips begin to curve upwards J

In my ‘Walkwithme for You’ sessions, I acknowledge your greatness and keep you accountable. I always have seen potential in people, their true heart beyond their egoic mind. With people close to me, it has been challenging sometimes to see what they are choosing if I know how much more their life could be.

I’ve started to come to allowance; they choose whatever they choose, without making it about me, because that’s what it actually is if you worry about somebody. They choose to suffer then, so it is until they choose not to. P.S it’s the insanity of this society to create suffering- bad habits really!

Acknowledging your greatness or not, that’s the same thing, you know that you have intuition, but if you do not follow through accordingly, it’s useless. Practice or get somebody to do it for you. I know it’s a hard task to get aligned and enjoy yourself for a moment.

What is the greatness of yours that you’ve been brushing off or never acknowledged?

What greatness are you that you’ve been hiding, that if you didn’t, could change your world and be a contribution to so many others?

Are you ready to step into your greatness?

Throughout your life, you meet people who acknowledge your greatness. Please be aware when it happens, it is the support you’ve been asking for. Do not ever brush it off again! Take it on board and shine; swim in it; that’s the way to get more of it. More of the greatness that you actually are!

I know you’re great! Live it and show it!

Connect at: www.walkwithmewebsite


Reena Terreping

Reena Terreping is an Access Consciousness Bars Practitioner, and offers frequency sessions using the Healy device. She loves making healthy cakes and treats, and creates recipes and provides cooking classes. Reena loves to write about: food, eating, emotional problems, body conditions and life generally.

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