Gut Healing Laksa Soup

Recipe CYNDI O’MEARA, Changing Habits

Makes 6 Servings

¼ cup pumpkin, diced
½ small cauliflower, chopped
200g green beans
4 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 bunch coriander
2 lemongrass stalks, left whole, though bruised as much as possible
4 Kafir lime leaves
2 cups water or homemade chicken broth
400ml coconut cream
2 tbsp Changing Habits chicken broth (or use homemade chicken broth)
2 tsp ground coriander seeds
2 tsp cumin
2 tsp turmeric
1 tsp shrimp paste
1 tbsp fish sauce
2 red chillis
1 brown onion
1 large knob of ginger
Seaweed salt to taste
Juice of one lime
2 zucchinis, spiralised
1kg chicken thighs, diced

1. Blend together the garlic, onion, ginger, turmeric, coriander seeds, cumin, shrimp paste, fish sauce with
1 cup water or chicken broth.
2. Place all ingredients except for the zucchini in your slow cooker, and place on low for 4 hours, or until the chicken is tender.
3. In your serving bowls, add the spiralised zucchini noodles and then pour the soup over the top, allow to soften and enjoy!


Vanessa Finnigan is the founder, editor and publisher of Holistic Bliss.
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