Garlic: A Winter Herb with Health Superpowers

Garlic has been used for thousands of years in all parts of the world, and in the classic sense, that food is our first medicine, and we know that garlic pretty well fixes everything, from staving off vampires and evil spirits to preventing cardio vascular disease and strengthening your blood and resilience. Garlic is a great winter herb. 

Here is my recipe for aged garlic and how to make it. 

1. Take as much fresh garlic bulbs as you can get your hands on. Let’s talk 500 grams. 

2. Wash it well leaving the skin on, make sure it’s nice and clean. 

3. Take your slow, cold pressed juicer and juice the garlic bulbs. Literally just juice the garlic. It’s a time consuming process but totally worth it. 

4. Now pop it in a bottle or jar, label garlic juice and date it today’s date. 

5. Wait six months to two years and then consume. Yes this is proper aged garlic. 

6. Another way to do it is to mix some apple cider vinegar in with the garlic as you are juicing. This will speed up the process and also allow you to use the garlic sooner in your meals. Add as salad dressing, to soups and warm meals and drizzle over your avo toast. 

My favourite things about garlic 

🌱 Immune Boost: Garlic contains compounds that enhance your immune system. Aged garlic extract (AGE) reduces cold and flu symptoms.

🌿 Nutrient-Rich: Despite being low in calories, garlic is packed with vitamin C, vitamin B6, and manganese.

❤️ Heart Health: Garlic helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol, reducing heart disease risk.

🔥 Anti-Inflammatory: Its properties protect against inflammation and certain cancers.

Remember, daily small amounts in meals is key! Add garlic to your meals for flavor and health. 🧄

I have some articles you might like to read with some research on garlic…. 

Aged garlic extract and immune function: 

Garlic as a winter herb: 

Dom is at Eumundi Markets on Saturdays. We love the free community clinics there and Dom welcomes you to come and say hello! 

Dominique LivKamal, ND is an award-winning naturopath, herbalist, and wellness advocate. She’s passionate about empowering you on your wellness journey.

She holds a Masters degree in Public health (Health Promotion) Bachelor Health Science (Complementary Medicine) is a qualified Naturopath, herbalist and nutritionist. 

 She has three published books, and is a constant student in wellness and life 

Dom also has a diploma in Journalism, is a qualified Kundalini yoga teacher and Zen Thai Shiatsu Therapist and yoga teacher. 

Dominique is founder and naturopath at Medicine Room. She has developed the herbal manufacturing processes here for herbal extractions and has been offering free community clinics to her clients since 2004.

Dom Liv Kimal

Dominique Livkamal is a well-known herbalist, naturopath, author and creator of ‘Medicine Room’, offering free community naturopathic clinics, handmade herbal medicines and beautiful body product collections.

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