Measuring Your Peace Levels by Trish Rock

Are you aware of the levels of peace you have in each area of your life right now?

This is one of the first things I ascertain when a client comes for a session because this will give me all the clues as to what’s going on for them and how I can best serve them at that time. Sometimes they will say it up front and other times I ask questions about how they are feeling and what’s going on in their life. Intuitively I can also sense where energy is not peaceful and this all helps to find the actual cause of any chaotic energy because it is not always as they say..

You see, often there is chaos in one part of life but that is then carried on to other areas because the misalignment needs to be solved, and there is no clarity on where the cause is.

I know for me, there were many years where I bundled the chaos up into a scenario that was called ‘my life’ when in fact, there were areas of life that at that time had a great level of peace to them!

I am sharing with you today an exercise for measuring your peace levels. You can in fact also use this for other things in your life too like connection levels, worthiness levels and so forth. It’s a great tool to really see where you are at, which then allows you to begin the shifts where they will matter the most at that time.

While you are looking at the chart (you may want to do a quick drawing of it on a piece of paper and fill it in) take a deep breath and rate your sense of peace in each of the areas of your life, on a scale from 1-10.

Once you have, combine the dots and see how “balanced” your circle really is. This is a great way to firstly, actually be thinking and feeling into your peace levels, and secondly, to see where the misalignments are in your life. These revelations will help you see where and what the cause is so that you are seeking solutions in the right area.

Having a visual gauge will help you then to see where the next steps can be taken and in what areas.

When you have your scores, take a look at the 3 lowest areas.

What is it about each of these areas that does not feel like peace right now and why?

Go deeper then and go to the feelings behind the physical reasons and ask yourself,  “What is this really about?”

The answers may surprise you! Many times, it’s a great way to truly see where the issues are in your life, rather than bundling them all up into the one big mess, or, blaming something or someone in the external for the chaotic feelings when you are the one creating it within yourself through old beliefs or stories.

My passion is to dive into the areas of your life that are not peaceful, here, now, and bring to light anything that is heavy and out of alignment with you. I do this through my holistic counselling, practical tools, intuitive and psychic practices, along with messages I receive from you spirit team. And I also guide my clients through the 5 step PEACE Process which shifts reality with ease.

If you feel called to truly make a change this year to shift your reality, then please reach out here and see how we can play together:

This, plus many other tools and spiritual practices can also be found in my new book – The PEACE Process: Tools To Align & Prosper AND the Companion Playbook/30 Day Journal!

Blessings and find your peace xo




Trish Rock

Trish Rock is a Peace Coach, Best Selling Author, Holistic Counsellor and Psychic who helps people to improve their lives through breaking down the barriers to true freedom and holistic wellness. Her clients call her the Queen of Calm because of the peace and clarity she brings into their life.

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