Procrastination, Self-Sabotage and Alignment by Trish Rock

Last week I finally decided to take a leap of faith into something new, put the fear aside and say yes to what has been something I have desired for some time now.

Then, as the week progressed, I realised I hadn’t taken any action. I was procrastinating…or so I thought.

In my bestselling book, The PEACE Process: Tools To Align & Prosper, I have a whole chapter on self-sabotage and one of the biggest ways we do this in our lives is procrastination!

So why was I procrastinating I asked myself. I thought I had made my mind up to go forward with this. Was it self-sabotage? It didn’t feel like it and then I realised what it was. I was aligning.

All of us have different ways that we integrate new ideas and overcome fears. I realised this day that mine was to mull on things for a while before taking the first step. Of course, this isn’t always the case and many times I will get an idea and immediately put it into action!

In the case of moving past bigger fears though, I need time to align with it, to be comfortable with it, to feel calm and at peace with it.

This is what was happening in my procrastination. It wasn’t a sabotage it was simply me, turning things over in my head to get it to a place of comfort for me to take those first steps.

Having that alignment and peace then made the action easier, faster and it all had a better more flowing energy behind it.

Does this resonate with you? Do you do this sometimes too? Maybe you also have tried to find the sabotage pattern when really it is just you aligning to the new.

Next time it happens ask these questions to yourself:

  • Does it feel like fear?
  • Have I procrastinated on this before?
  • Is this an area of life where I haven’t been able to move forward in the past?
  • Am I simply taking a breath here before taking the action I have in my mind?

Its great to have the awareness of this and I invite you to tune in to your own patterns around this to be more peaceful about it no matter what is happening.

Of course, self-sabotage still exists in procrastination too and I love helping people move forward from anything that is holding them stuck in old patterns. One of my gifts is to tune in to what’s really going on and then work out a way forward that is aligned and feels ease.

You can book a session with me here:

If you are a woman 50 or over and are ready for a new chapter of life then listen up – I want you to know that it is never too late to change your life and live with more joy, abundance, peace, purpose, and passion!  PEACE, PURPOSE, POTENTIAL 8 Week Circle – 8 Weeks, 8 Awesome Women, Life Changing Process – we start March 7th! More info here:

Trish xo

Trish Rock

Trish Rock is a Peace Coach, Best Selling Author, Holistic Counsellor and Psychic who helps people to improve their lives through breaking down the barriers to true freedom and holistic wellness. Her clients call her the Queen of Calm because of the peace and clarity she brings into their life.

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