The Souliloquy – heal with your heartsong | herald your happy by Jasmina Earthangel

Souliloquy /səʊl ˈlɪləkwi/ noun (Soul + Soliloquy) the act of allowing your immortal soul’s essence, wisdom, knowledge, longings to be spoken through you, to you, for you, whether or not shared with anyone else and/or supported by them.

You may be feeling some grief in your heart at this time of year if, like me, you’ve loved ones no longer Earth side.  Not to mention all we have endured as a collective these past two plus years as a result of “Ms Rona’s” influence.  To say that ‘the world will never be the same again’ is an understatement.  Never before, in all of humanity’s history, has there been such a deconstruction of the very fabric of society causing the dis-regulation of the entire globe’s nervous systems for such an extended period of time.  Multiple sledgehammers and multiple assaults of the collective psyche, a more than daily uncertainty of an unknown perpetuity plaguing our hearts and minds.  It’s taken its toll on all of us.

So, you may need the medicine of your heart song – THE permission and courage for your heart (and soul) to be the full uncensored and non-diluted expression of all that is/has been held there and/or it is moving through at this time. 

Simply close your eyes, take three deep belly breaths to start (if you’re unsure what these are – check out my Youtube video here), centre yourself in your heart-space and allow all of the sensations and feelings to ‘bubble up to the surface’. 

Surrender to the sensations.

Let go of all resistance to FEELING.

Where do you feel?

Which body part/s do you feel the most?

If you can’t feel anything, where would you be feeling something if you could?

Return your focus to your heart-space.

Stay with the feelings and sensations now for as long as you can – it’s truly ok (and desirable too!) for your body to feel.

Go with it.

Don’t question it.

Just go with it.

Keep focusing on whatever you’re feeling – I will tell you one thing, if you’ve got a feeling coming up, you need to allow yourself to sit in the full expression of it.

So a feeling is coming up.

Go into that feeling one hundred and fifty percent and feel it because, as Rha Goddess says, allowing yourself to completely feel a feeling for 90 seconds can transform it.

90 seconds – a minute and a half of really feeling a feeling – is all you may need to clear it.

Even if your body has been holding onto it for years.

Even if you have been avoiding feeling it for years!

No longer will the energetic load of holding the feeling in your body be coupled with the energetic expenditure of having to also avoid feeling it.

This in and of itself can be life-changing.

Imagine how it will feel to finally release that burden from your system; the newfound vitality in your body that you didn’t even realise you were missing!

Surrender yourself to the fullness of the sensations and feelings in your heart and when they are unable to be contained within your Being any longer, open your mouth and allow the sound/s your heart wishes to express to pour forth from your vocal chords, along with any other form of expression your heart desires.  It doesn’t matter what the sounds are – they can be high-pitched, guttural, screams, sighs, cries, rage, gasps, or no sound at all.  Whatever the expression is that is released, as long as its from your heart, it’s your uniquely personal brand of soul medicine and healing.

Whenever I share my heart song, whether via free content online or in session with clients, people always want more.  It never ceases to amaze me that no matter the type of sound that comes out (believe me – many things that come from my vocal chords are jarringly horrid!) a resonance with those witnessing it is somehow created. 

When we authentically express ourselves, despite the source, a magnetic frequency is emitted creating not only an energetic shift within ourselves, but also within others who are present and/or interacting with us.  This is true, whether from afar or at a later time, such as via watching a replay.

When we actually embrace our feelings, and commit to experiencing them fully, our internal guidance system (or Soul Compass) is activated.

We simply cannot discern the truth of where we are in our life’s journey or whether we are fulfilling our soul’s mission on Earth without allowing our emotions to be acknowledged and felt.

Your body is the PORTAL to your divinity on Earth – the temple vortex holding space for your soul in the infinite now.  The homecoming point of convergence which allows your soul to have this human experience.  You CAN trust that it has been designed perfectly for your soul’s desires to manifest and materialise on Earth now.  Without this body your soul, and thus You, would be incapable of having and receiving your soul’s desired human experience.

Give your body the unconditional love you are craving. 

Let it bask in your essence. 

Allow it to completely experience who/what you BE now. 

Give yourself the most delicious hug and thank your body for holding you and providing the very needed ‘interface’ between your soul and the Earth.

The key thing moving forward is to be discerning of whom you allow into your energetics and into your life.

Because everything is energy, and you are an energetic being.

Now that you’ve moved the energy through your heart-space, you may wish to anchor it in and finalise the clearing of the grief via a stream of consciousness writing practice or a prompted journaling session.

For stream of consciousness, you simply need a pen, journal/notebook and a kitchen timer or the timer app on your mobile phone.  You then choose a time limit to set for yourself, usually a minimum of 10 minutes, set the time and then you just let whatever comes through onto the page without editing it.  If you struggle with 10 minutes when you first start out with this practice, you can try 5 minutes instead and then work your way up.

Alternatively, you can set yourself up the same way as above but use the timer to do some prompted journaling on each of the following journaling prompts:

  1. What is the story you’ve been telling yourself about this grief?  E.g., what is the meaning you have attributed to why you have been holding onto this grief?
  • What ways does this story hold you back from stepping into your innate power?
  • How does this grief stop you in your daily life?
  • How does it stop you from living your life and doing the things that you feel called to do?
  • How would your life look, feel or Be, if you could completely release this grief from your system?
  • What small daily actions can you take starting NOW to access or create this life?

Now, remember – it’s not about how many times we get taken out.  It’s how quickly can we bring ourselves back to centre and to re-finding our joy or happiness.

You are worthy, you are deserving, you are needed on Earth right now.

If you are here now – You are needed.

You are part of the solution in creating the New Earth.

To book a session with Jasmina go to:

And for more information please visit:

Jasmina Earthangel

Jasmina Earthangel is a Soul Mentor + Consultant | Creatrix | Mama.
An ex-solicitor ‘hippy-at-heart’ mama, Jasmina was born with connection to the other-worlds and a deep desire for equality in the world.

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