Last week I visited Mum in her cottage garden in the Southern Highlands of Sydney. She has so many wonderful plants growing there and my favourite is the valeriana. 

Valerian has a history going back to ancient Greece and has been written about by herbalists in all cultures. Its name is derived from Latin meaning to be strong and healthy.  The herb was used originally for its aerial parts as well as the root and often added to stews cooking and used as a tea to help with sleep, coughing, bruising and stress. Culpepper calls valerian a herb from the planet mercury and gives it warming qualities and is used as a good wintertime herbal. It was used for a variety of conditions such as heart palpitations, convulsions and nervous tension. Today it is used for its sedative and nervine properties and prescribed by herbalists globally to calm and relax. 

As a child, my mum gave us valerian tea at night to help us sleep. She also gave us valerian when we were stressed, upset or feeling down and out in our lives. The herb had a tendency to uplift me from my doldrums and help me feel calm and peaceful again! Such a wonderful herb for the whole family! 

Many clinical trials have been done on valerian and it has shown itself to be a great herb to help sleep, relaxation and restfulness. The pharmaceutical Valium is based on valerian herbals and the herbal version certainly works in a very calming manner. 

This is a late-season blooming red valerian flower in mums garden this week. It’s a herb I love and wanted to share with you! Make some organic valerian root tea and see for yourself how calming it is! 

To make the tea, simply seep 1 teaspoon of dried root powder or flakes in 300ml of boiling water. Allow to infuse and drink before going to bed! 

We have the root here in our dispensary if you want some! We also make the liquid extractions to add to your herbal medicine prescriptions! Please ask us about how Valerian can help you. ( There are some contraindications with herbs, so best to check ) 

Here I am with Sue from Jalla Cafe in Woodford this week! We stocked their lovely cafe with our herbal skin balms! Thanks for the invitation, Sue! We also stocked The Bioshop in Belmondos organics in Noosa. Thanks for the invitation, Jess! We are available to stock shops with our herbal body products and work on invitation from the shop. So if you know anyone who wants to be our stockist, please let them know. We love to help you out! 

Mumma’s day box still available. Exclusive to our herbal dispensary to you!

You can win a mummas day box if you go down to Bioshop at Belmondos on Friday the 7th May between 11.30am and 1pm and purchase anything on store! Yes thats right! Just shop there in that time and write your email on the back of the receipt and give it to us and we will draw a winner at 1pm right there in the shop! 

Last weekend for early bird 20% discount on our WINTER WELLNESS online masterclass. Starts May 10th.

Love Dom xox 

phone us +61 409765033

Our Facebook pages are Dominique Livkamal and Medicineroom

On instagram we are medicine_room 

Dom Liv Kimal

Dominique Livkamal is a well-known herbalist, naturopath, author and creator of ‘Medicine Room’, offering free community naturopathic clinics, handmade herbal medicines and beautiful body product collections.

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