Personally I like the sweetness of Liquorice root which is a wonderful tonic for the whole body, energising and strengthening as a base flavour and then layering it with some really sturdy herbal flavours like nettlethymesage or yarrow. This gives a great authentic traditional herbal base to start with that is nourishing and offers many basic qualities you want in a herbal remedy tea (think energising, nourishing, protective and boosting) . 

Have a wellness focus with each brew!

Then I add the magic! Yes, the magic in a remedy herbal tea is the qualities I want from this experience. It might be earthy with some ganoderma mushroom or lions mane mushroom , or spicy with cinnamonchilligingerturmeric .

Maybe we want a tea that is floral and sweet like rose petalslavender flowers or Calendula.

Perhaps you would like a tea that is relaxing like chamomilevalerian or passionflower. Or you may be going for something esoteric or spiritual like Blue lotus  or damiana 

Whats in a good tea formula? 

My rule of thumb is to use three to four herbs in a good blend and no more. This will enhance the experience as each herbs’ flavour come out as the herbs are infused. 

Whatever you do to make yourself the perfect herbal remedy cuppa, make sure you make it gently and take time. Think about how you want to feel from the blend? Is it to get well? Recover from an illness? Increase your energy? Feel relaxed? 

I always recommend that you have some dried herbs at home and are able to make remedy teas as needed. This will help you stay well and also prevent illness. It also helps you feel fabulous every day! 

How to make a simple herbal tea that is delicious 

One teaspoon of raw dry herb to 300ml of water and make it in a pot and squeeze some lemon or citrus fruit. Add a dash of honey or maple syrup and I usually add a pinch of sea salt to most pots of herbal tea for the minerals and enhance the flavour. 

Pour the hot water over the herbs and allow to infuse for ten minutes to 30 minutes. We sometimes pop a tea cosy over the pot to keep it hot or sit it on the wood stove to keep the heat up. If you want a cool tea you can allow it to infuse for hours until it cools down and then pop in the fridge or serve with ice cubes on a warm day! 

Herbal tea making can be fun and you get the therapeutic benefits of each herb as you drink the tea. Herbs are delicious and good for you! Make some herbal tea today! 


Dom Liv Kimal

Dominique Livkamal is a well-known herbalist, naturopath, author and creator of ‘Medicine Room’, offering free community naturopathic clinics, handmade herbal medicines and beautiful body product collections.

1 comment

  • YUMMO !!! Thank You 🙏🏽 good information, recipes for the trying.
    Personally I like Chai ☕️ with Honey 🍯 & Milk 🥛.


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