2023 Year of Magic Mindset

I am excited to share The Secret Codes to Success® and the Millennium Grid® as they are aligned with Atlantis and all the energies of 2023. You see in the next evolutionary process of ancient times, it was planned that the year 2023 is a pivotal time for releasing the EGO separate mind and connecting back to your heart. It is a time of the MAGIC MINDSET.

During Atlantis, the role of the High Priestess was to assist humans on earth to have whole brain function and to work from a magic mindset which means to know we are not separate from each other. Specific healing processes were done to assist the human beings to connect to their heart. The outcome was that humans would know anything is possible and access their own superpower of intuition. It was a time to release all ego mindset.

In modern day times our DNA is ready for this activation and the universe will offer opportunities for this natural growth and learning to happen so that each person can connect to their magic mindset.

Today the purpose of the ego is to ‘test you’ and give you an opportunity to see the truth about yourself and how amazing you are. Like during Atlantis times, you are here to master the 3rd dimension world and remember the truth is you are love, lovable, loved, and love. As you ascend, the ego will be less involved. Your ego is made up of all the beliefs, attitudes, and assumptions you have about who you believe you are. You were created in love, and anything else is an illusion. This is part of 2023 and for you to see and know in your heart there is nothing but love.

It is a fabulous year, and it is time to release all those old limitations and beliefs and stories you have about yourself. It was Albert Einstein who said it best and this is one the themes for 2023.

“Insanity is to continue to do the same things over and over and expect something different”

Knowing this, you have the universe gifting you so many opportunities to access your MAGIC MINDSET and know that you can create your hearts desires. It is time to shine your brilliance amazing soul. The universe and I want that for you.

It is important to remember for 2023 that the universe has your back always.

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Jean Sheehan

Jean Sheehan is a 6-time Amazon Best Selling Author an award winning and internationally recognised Medical Intuitive known as the ‘Walking Talking MRI’ who travels the world teaching The Secret Codes to Success®.

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