Reflections: Interview with Inna Segal By Vanessa Finnigan

This year internationally recognised author and speaker; Inna Segal celebrated the five year anniversary of her best-selling book ‘The Secret Language of Your Body’. I first met Inna just before her book was launched five years ago and was inspired by her transformational story of self-healing and recovery from chronic pain and anxiety. This month I spoke with Inna about her work, family life and her plans for Christmas and 2013.

Q: How would you describe to people who may not know your work- what it is that you do?

Inna: I created Visionary Intuitive Healing®, which is a new healing modality in order to give people quick, easy, practical access to life changing techniques, transformational tools, powerful healing processes and amazing healing frequencies, in order to assist people with their self-healing.

This work encourages people to be visionaries and to take responsibility for their own lives, wellbeing and the creation of their reality. It helps people to access their intuition and internal guidance system, while still being conscious of external signs and higher help.

Real healing reflects wholeness, which means taking every aspect of your life into consideration, including physical, mental and emotional health, spiritual connection and evolution of consciousness, relationships, love, happiness, work, finances and social life.

Visionary Intuitive Healing® helps to teach the body to heal at a deep cellular level. It is designed to assist people to open up to their own self-healing ability and personal empowerment.

Q: What changes have you seen in people since your book was released?

Inna: It has been exciting to observe many more doctors and medical practitioners embracing wellness and integrative medicine. Recently I have had more doctors and health practitioners in my workshops than ever before. The media is much more interested and supportive of healing. People are less sceptical and more willing to embrace new tools for living.

Whenever I travel to a new country I try to understand the culture and history. This helps me to personalise my teaching, as different cultures have to heal particular emotions and limitations that relate to their lifestyle and history.

However, as my book is published in 16 languages, even with all the differences it is incredible that no matter wherever I go, people tell me that the information in my book is extremely accurate.

Q: How do you stay grounded with all the travel you do and not get burnt out over time?

Inna: I have a lot of support from friends and family and people who are organising my workshops. I stay strongly connected to my family. I love it when they travel with me and we spend time on Skype every day when they don’t.

My tips would be to:
1. Make sure you are doing something you believe in and that fulfils your soul
2. Be very practical and careful with details
3. Listen to your body
4. Build strong relationships with people and maintain strong connections with your family and friends
5. Relax, meditate and do things you enjoy that are not work related
6. Have rest and if you travel take breaks both while traveling and once you have returned home

Q: What are the key ingredients of healing?

Inna: The key ingredient of healing is communication – listening to your body, receiving messages from your body, working with healing processes on a daily basis, releasing your emotions when they come up, persistence and be willing to work through the different elements, levels and all layers involved.

Dedication and practice always helps. Give yourself time, stick with a method or technique for a while to give it a proper chance to work. Have faith in a higher source, Divinity and faith in your body’s natural ability to heal. Be willing to go to the heart of the issue to find and deal with the real cause.

Q: How will you and your family spend the holidays and New Year? What are your favourite things to do during the festive season?

Inna: I usually go away for a holiday with my husband, Paul and our children, Raphael (12 years old) and Angelina (9 years old) – sometimes with friends as well. It is great to spend some time in nature, often go near the beach as Australia has so many great beaches.

I often spend New Year’s Eve with friends, going out to a restaurant or at a friend’s house. I think, particularly with the different religious holidays, that this is a time that people can explore their spirituality and gain a greater connection or awareness of themselves, their spirit and what is important in life.

Q: What are your plans for 2013 and what do you think about New Year’s resolutions?

Inna: My intention is to be very loving and enjoy my time with my husband, children, wider family and friends. I also plan to develop my work further and lead many workshops around the world. I have a new book coming out in September 2013 as well as a new healing card deck and Paul has his first novel, Raising Angels being published. Of course, I have lots of very specific goals, related to Visionary Intuitive Healing®.

I think it is great for New Year’s resolutions to be practical and fun. Find goals that empower you, that you will enjoy doing. Make plans that you will stick to, not give up on when the first of January ticks around.

Q: Which direction do you think intuitive and holistic practices will go in the future? How will your work evolve over the next few years?

Inna: I think people will connect more with their bodies and use their innate healing intelligence. I think intuitive and holistic practices will be even more focused on self-healing, rather than somebody else doing it for you.

My work is going more international as time proceeds and my work seems to evolve around my books. My next book, due out in September 2013 is all about the major questions we have in life and I give empowering answers not found anywhere else. My work will be used both for self-healing and to deal with many of life’s challenges.

Inna Segal is the creator of Visionary Intuitive Healing® and the best-selling author of The Secret Language of Your Body and The Secret Language of Colour Cards, as well as 35 audio programs. Inna is based in Australia and travels worldwide leading courses. Further details about Inna and Visionary Intuitive Healing® can be found at

Inna’s tips for the festive season and preparing for 2013?

1. Spend time in nature, listen to your body and learn to be in harmony with life. Nature is brilliant for nurturing your soul and body
2. Be grateful for what you have – ‘Thank you’ is always a great prayer
3. Spend time with your close family and friends and express how you feel about them
4. Review your past year – what you achieved, what you did well in and where you can improve
5. Set practical, grounded goals for the next period of your life – short, medium and long term – not just general goals like ‘I will lose weight’. Be specific and empowering for yourself


Vanessa Finnigan is the founder, editor and publisher of Holistic Bliss.
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