5 lesser-known ways to turn your sensitivity into your superpower by Agnes Gomori

For sensitives, growing up in a world which is dominated by non-sensitives is always going to be challenging, unless we learn how to harness our superpower; our sensitivity.

The early memories of being in society, such as being at school, puts a stamp on us from the perspective of those who are in charge. Maybe you were labelled as ‘too sensitive’ while others were celebrated as the brave ones, and you thought there was something wrong with you. It’s easy to believe that the best way to get ahead in life is to hide your sensitivity. Instead of hiding your gift, learn to let go of this limiting self-belief. Try to think of it from another point of view. What are the skills which come easily for you? Maybe you always lend an ear to your co-workers because they know you are a good listener. Maybe you give fashion tips to friends, or help your in-laws with interior design because you have a grand vision. When we have to bury our true nature for too long, we have to dig down deeper to find them. It’s likely that you haven’t even thought about these skills as something that can be both useful and a powerful self-expression.

5 lesser-known traits sensitives have that can lead to empowerment:

  1. Ultimate peacemaker

Sensitives are idealists and want to live in a world where they can all live peacefully. They don’t like drama and as they are excellent listeners, they pick up on the unsaid things too. Sensitives can sense what the actual issue is and offer a diplomatic solution, always considering all who are involved.

  • Highly creative

Having highly tuned senses means that sensitives are artistic. Making art in itself, very therapeutic. Many sensitives become artists or can help others to express themselves in creative ways, for example, by being an art therapist.

  • Intuitive visionary

Sensitives can see the big picture in their mind’s eye and intuitively know what they need to focus on. They can vision the outcome before anyone else. Think of garden design or choreography.

  • Easily adapt to change

As lifelong learners, sensitives want to grow emotionally and intellectually, and are forever curious about the world around them. They’re not afraid to ask questions and effective commutation is important for them. Because of that, they can flexibly adapt to new situations.

  • Deep inner world

Sensitives are deep thinkers and need to spend some time on their own in order to process their thoughts and emotions. Use this time to write down your thoughts. Journaling clears your head and rests your nervous-system; it creates space to think up new, innovative ideas.

The Universe didn’t give you this gift as a burden that you need to hide. Quite the opposite. Think of your sensitivity as a unique talent, a special skill. When you learn how to use it with pride, you become the teacher of kindness, which the world needs right now.

Agnes Gomori is an empath healer and intuitive coach, visit: www.mindsetsalon.com


Vanessa Finnigan is the founder, editor and publisher of Holistic Bliss.
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