Would You Like to Enhance your Receptivity? By Clint Smith

We all have a sixth sense, our intuitive self, that assists and guides us subtly throughout our life. Intuition, or as I like to call it, “inner knowing”, is defined as ‘ the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning’.  It’s an individual’s innate sense and can be described as a ‘gut feeling’, or a perception that comes not so much from the mind, but often INTO the mind, or body or awareness.  But are we consciously using our intuition to its maximum potential?

I have created a workshop, “INNER KNOWING” which explores and is designed to challenge us to not only utilise our inner knowing, but to enhance our receptivity, so that we can upgrade our energy fields, foresee challenges, and potentially ‘fly through life with more ease and grace’. If you want to feel more empowered, have greater clarity, super charge your personal connections, health and confidence in decision making, this workshop may be your steppingstone.

During the workshop we’ll explore the obstacles that can distract us from our inner knowing and intuition, such as “overthinking”, (catastrophising life events), feeling stuck or getting caught up in our life story — which often relates to past events or issues. We’ll address mind/heart centred challenges, and how we can navigate emotions and feelings.

If you consider yourself ‘highly sensitive’ or an empath, you’ll see how using some tools helps to grow your inner knowing, helping you to feel more confidence making decisions, and making trust an attribute, rather than an issue. We’ll show you how changing your mindset can create more gratitude and appreciation. And self-regulation leads to less self-doubt, where other distractions fall away to allow more calm and a greater sense of well-being.

Inner Knowing is about using what is already available, and with practise and consciousness, living a life not so reliant on technology and other distractions. Ultimately, this will prepare you for new challenges, and for creating a new world which matches your new inner life.

About the Workshop creator: Clint Smith has been involved in personal development, studying counselling, holistic energy healing, life coaching and massage for over 30 years. He has taught massage and energy healing/intuitive art workshops for nearly 20 years and has a wealth of practical and life experiences to draw from. Workshops can be not only a place of learning and remembering what we deep down already know, but we can express ourselves, share knowledge, and have some fun along the way—it’s actually been proven that we learn through fun experiences!

The Workshop is on Sat Nov 4t at Noosa Holistic Health, Mary Street, Noosaville from 9-30 am til. 4-30 pm. (light lunch provided) And one month later follow up, Sat Dec 2nd 9 -30 to 12 -30 Costs – $ 450 ($ 400 for early bird paid by Oct 12 /23) concession for senior / pensioner — $100 discount.

Email: Smith.clint.b@gmail.com or phone: 0414855667


Vanessa Finnigan is the founder, editor and publisher of Holistic Bliss.
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